Diy Parts Supply - 3 rail adjustable psu kits $35 (+/-/48V(or other))

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I tried sourcing the meter myself but it was far too hard and would take around the same time as ptown.
I recon you should cut him some slack bro, its a difficult process sourcing parts as some manufacturers make promises they cant keep in terms of delivery and stock. It aint ptowns fault, plus the kit price is exceptional.
No one seems to point out that the guy doesnt do this for a living!
He is helping people like me out and making fuck all from it.
Seems a bit harsh you slammin on him like that bro.
i understand the wait is frustrating butwe are all waiting the same as you.
JoeMorris said:
To be fair - playing devils advocate here - you could get 95% of the parts needed for this from mouser in about three days to the UK...

Absolutely...but at a higher price and less certainty. Meaning that some parts are out of stock and cross-referencing isn't something that everyone is comfortable with. Not to mention the fact that Ruckus sold a lot more pcbs than I sold where are the units from the people who sourced their own parts? I'm not saying that people have not made progress, simply that I have yet to see any.

Either way, the point is that the bickering is completely unnecessary.
JoeMorris said:
To be fair - playing devils advocate here - you could get 95% of the parts needed for this from mouser in about three days to the UK...

FWIW, I thought: "oh I'll just shoot the BOM into mouser and order it from there"... then I saw the much higher price! Not to mention paying shipping for at least two separate orders to get the rest of the components.
So you said I could source my own parts on fri, but I still don't have a refund.

Can you please either credit my account on your shop or refund me. Just actually do one or the other.
I just logged in to your store to see if I had a credit (I havent) and noticed shipping on the sb4k kits is $60CAD.

That seems like quite a lot considering these arent that heavy. How come its so much?

Not 'trolling'... just a serious question.

No worries, I know you are being serious...something does not sound right on that price...there should be something cheaper. I will investigate.

I guess it's irrelevant if you are going to refund but if your planning to credit my account I'd appreciate you double checking.


Parts kit arrived ok in norway, no polarbears ate the mailman.
All I can see so far is a missing 68K, didnt check caps yet.
510Ks are actually 511K, and measures at 516K. Does it matter?
Also two extra 13K, and two ekstra 1K33. Just a gift?

EDIT; Also 2x extra 2K5 and 1x25K5
They are for pot/res combos - ignore!


I know people think I'm ragging on you for no reason, but this is what I'm on about. You said you were going to refund me on fri. I asked you to do either that or credit my account on your store and I still have neither.

Can you please let  me know what you are doing? If shipping is as expensive as the listed price i prefer a refund.

SB4000 kit well rieceved ! well packed. 1 res and 1 cap missing but, Now, it works well !
can't wait for the Vumeter and chassis :)

cheers !
snipsnip said:
I know people think I'm ragging on you for no reason, but this is what I'm on about. You said you were going to refund me on fri. I asked you to do either that or credit my account on your store and I still have neither.

Can you please let  me know what you are doing? If shipping is as expensive as the listed price i prefer a refund.


Yeah, I was going to refund you, because I was getting seriously annoyed, but I don't want to be a jerk and force it on you...your account does not have a credit, because you have two and I don't know which one is valid, I did e-mail you about it. Lastly, yes it is $60 for xpresspost shipping, but there's clearly a $20 shipping option there.'s looking like the only way to bring the 990 kits back would be to use the mat12 to replace the LM394...which would bring the kit price up to at least $30 cad.
Up to 3 months delivery for the $20 option!

Youve got to be joking. Shipping is free from mouser and will be a few days.

There is no way it's costing you $60 and I don't care what you say.

Refund me please. Whole episode is a fucking joke. There is nothing unique about this kit. You may have a couple of fanboys who cant use mouser but I ain't one.

snipsnip said:
Up to 3 months delivery for the $20 option!

Youve got to be joking. Shipping is free from mouser and will be a few days.

There is no way it's costing you $60 and I don't care what you say.

Refund me please. Whole episode is a F*cking joke. There is nothing unique about this kit. You may have a couple of fanboys who cant use mouser but I ain't one.

You're hilarious...firstly, if you had bothered to follow along with the class, you'd note that the $20 option is NOT ground mail, and that we'd split it into two airmail small packets. Secondly, I do not set the prices, the site uses the Canada Post server, which generates the price based on weight and insurance. Go to and try it for yourself. The kit weighs 565 grams and measures 23cm x 17cm x 9cm.

Thank you for the empty accusations though...