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Ptownkid said:
I can't magically make money appear in my paypal account, the two of you are just plain ridiculous with this incessant spamming.

I think we need help from Ethan !
that's what you did it was ridiculous ! since 23 September you got our money and each month you were saying next month!! but I don't want to wait a day! you f***d up the project of Mike! I'm sorry but I do not trust you !!
and I want my refund !!

I received this email from you and you say  "There's nothing to write...there's no money in our paypal account and no way to make it instantly appear, when it's there, you'll get it."
but sorry man I can't wait your paypal account !!
You've got some nerve calling us spammers after turning out to be a total charlitan.

I can't magically give away my money without getting a product. You can always transfer via iban.

Interesting to hear more people pissed off at this slummy business your trying to run... You should just either get your sh*t together or just close down...

I'm sorry to those who are continuing to get screwed over.

Ptownkid said:
Do what you have to, but I can't get money into my paypal account instantaneously. It takes time to transfer from a bank account.

we lost a lot of time !and money too !
! how you do your business?just like that !!!!  :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
That's completely unacceptable.

You say 'I didn't want to force a refund on you' then it turns out you don't have any money in your account.

And you wonder why customers don't trust you?

I have no question about the majority of people trusting me, where did you get the impression that I ever wondered? I've been here over 6 years with over a thousand flawless transactions. There's always going to be a few people who will complain no matter what you say or do, and I'm fine with that.

This particular kit has taken an enormous amount of time, without question. I bit off more than i could chew at the time, and had to spend thousands more than anticipated to make it happen. I also did not anticipate the various problems that arose along the way. I've acknowledged these things every step of the way...

You've accused me several times of lying, and now you are claiming that I am untrustworthy, based solely on the fact that this has taken a too long. I'm here, I'm responding, people are clearly getting their orders from me, so what facts are your accusations relying on?

Brice is a perfect example of "you can't please all of the people all of the time". He was not happy with the parts in our kit, he returned them, we refunded him, but yet months later he'll pop in to give his two cents anyway...because there's always going to be that type of person regardless of what you do or say. Same goes for both you Snipsnip and Jandoste, you'd both have you money back by now if you hadn't changed your minds 2-3 times about whether you wanted the parts or a refund. As soon as you actually said that you 100% wanted a refund, I started the process, but yet that's still not good enough. I get the feeling that the only way I could make you happy would be to fly the the UK, hand you cash, give you a hug and take you out for a pint.

So gentlemen, seriously, enough.
I only changed my mind because I was it was so unclear how much shipping would be.

I always stated if its $60 I would like a refund, because thats appalling.

You can say that cartain people will always complain, I will say a bad workman blames his tools.

Ive never complained about a single other thing Ive purchasred of the WM, or any major store as far as I can recollect.

Just go ahead and process the refund so I can get out of this farce.




I bought that kit from Wintetree afterall.  You can send once all the parts are together.  Thanks much :)
While most people will make extra effort to troll when things don't go their way, few will make the effort to compliment when things go as they should.

Yes, it's taken forever, but my kit came as promised and as expected. Assembling this many orders is a giant task in and of itself. I elected to let ptown take care of it because, frankly, I didn't want to spend the time or effort sourcing all these parts myself. For every 100 hundred customers you have, there inevitably is 3% who will rage because they can't get everything they want, when they want it.

My advice: await your refund, and quit spamming the forum. Bottom line is you are now robbing ptown of time that he could be spending to work on the rest of the orders. In all reality, he probably chose to take this project on in the hopes of netting a slim profit margin, which has since evaporated due to SNAFUs and whiners.

Reading the last two pages was like watching 3 year olds stomp on the ground. Embarrassing, actually. Thanks.

Also, ptown when you get a chance please give an eta on the 2nd part of the kit.. I've built this out as far as possible, and would like to know how long I should plan on shelving it.


I cant understand people on the internet. Everyone they dont agree with is a 'troll'!!!

You are welcome to make your comment praising him if you wish, but dont talk about me (which is obviously going to illicit a response). Youre basically just shit stirring whilst acting mightier than thou. In fact, I ALWAYS make the effort to thank people on here when theyve come through, so pipe down.

No injustice has been done to ptown, infact its quite the opposite but we dont need to go over it all again, it was dead anyway.

I dont understand the fanboy attitude, but each to thier own. Ordering the parts is not a mammoth task, it will take a couple of hours max for anyone who isnt a tard.


If there is a problem , how can one best solve it
to the highest satisfaction possible  ?

If someone agrees with you or aligns with you
to put more pressure , will that make you feel better ?

Words on a screen are of course harder to interpret
emotion , so likely helpful if everyone involved is
as concise [ & precise ] as possible

but he says , she says is just a dance where someone
is not getting what they want but also aren't saying
what they reasonably expect [ for whatever reason ]
DanH - the chassis are all here, and the meters are being shipped to us on the 4th. It usually takes 3-4 days for the meter shipment to get to us.

So PTown, for those of us that are waiting for the whole 'shebang...

Once you get the meters in and everything situated, we will be getting an email from you to go to the store and checkout so we can pay our shipping, right? Or, should we start watching the store for this?

Thanks man!
Alright ptown, one of my pushbutton switches clicks but dont stay in, only noticed once i powered it on and the led wont stay on, it only illuminates wen pushed in but as soon as i let go it goes out. Sute its not your fault but whats the chances of gettin another one wen you send the meter? No probs if you cant, thought id ask tho!
Kit is spotless

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