Econo Scope Recommendations?

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Well-known member
Apr 14, 2010
Philadelphia, USA
Hey guys, was hoping someone could help me pick out an econo oscilloscope.  Embarrasingly enough I don't own my own - I just use the ones at work whenever I need to, but do to certain regime changes (aka new a-hole bosses) it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so, so I need to get something here.  Was thinking about one of the pocket velleman's or pc/usb based just to get me by until I can afford something nicer in a few months - I'm not doing any HV or tube stuff, just line level audio/low voltage DC supply so doesn't need to be anything crazy - just something that I can check frequencies, trace signals, and look at square/sine waves, etc.

If anyone has anything they could recommend it would be appreciated.  Thanks.
ruckus328 said:
Hey guys, was hoping someone could help me pick out an econo oscilloscope.  Embarrasingly enough I don't own my own - I just use the ones at work whenever I need to, but do to certain regime changes (aka new a-hole bosses) it's becoming increasingly difficult to do so, so I need to get something here.  Was thinking about one of the pocket velleman's or pc/usb based just to get me by until I can afford something nicer in a few months - I'm not doing any HV or tube stuff, just line level audio/low voltage DC supply so doesn't need to be anything crazy - just something that I can check frequencies, trace signals, and look at square/sine waves, etc.

If anyone has anything they could recommend it would be appreciated.  Thanks.

What's your budget?
Rigol is good for the price. Seems like the favourite low cost digital osci these days. ;) Have one too.

If you like to upgrade get better probes for the Rigol. The supplied ones are not that good.

Stay away from omron, they have bigger screens but awkward usability. And do yourself a favour and dont take a usb scope.

Got to agree on the USB scope. I got one, and it's not as fast to work with as a real 'scope.

However, I will be repurposing it for an automated test platform soon.

More to share on that in the future.

I am looking for an econo osciloscop too...but I have been looking for hameg and tektronix at the bay, are decent prices...and despite you don't have instant measuring I think is good enough for dealing with diy audio.
What do you think?Rigol, owon...or decent analog?
It sure would be nice to know how much you folks want to spend.  I just bought a Tek 2445b (4 channel) on evilbay for $125 US plus shipping.  The Tek 465 is another great workhorse, and I've seen them go for $60 US.  Is that economy enough?

edit:  added "US" after dollar amounts
Hey guys, sorry for the delay, busy day.  I've heard good things about the rigol's before, little more than I wanted to spend at the moment, but I could spring for it.

Couple hundred would be a little more comfortable right now, but does seem like a waste to blow $200 on a crappy handheld when I could just use it towards something more legit.

GOt no problem with ued, if I know it works.  I've checked out ebay quite a few times but all the cheap ones (that I saw anyways) are always "sold as is, turns on, no further testing done", which to me translates into: "Powers up but it doesn't work, but I'm not gonna say that".  If anyone sees anything worth checking out though I'm all ears.
Oh damn lol, it never even dawned on me to check craigslist.  Just wrote the guy, hopefully it's still available, that's a great price and he's only about 20 min away.  Thanks!
Ha, that was quick - already heard back from them, it's still available.  Probably picking it up tomorrow.  That was too easy.  Thanks again!