Effect vs intention - acceptable art

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Maryland, USA
I feel like we have slipped into bizarro world.  Help me understand:

“[Removing this art] was not done out of ignorance, it was done in accordance with a new therapeutic progressive ideology that subordinates intention to effect. ”

The agenda of the left has changed.  It used to be to prevent low wage exploitation and poor working conditions.  Unfortunately that problem has been exported to developing countries.

With that battle largely (but not wholly) won in the West, the agenda is now to judge and sentence history according to 21st century liberal values.

This is an attempt at mass indocrination rather than a celebration of human progress, they condemn previous generations for being unable to see where the world would be 300 years into the future.

It started before social media kicked off, but has accelerated exponentially ever since, now everyone is judging and criticising everyone else and we are losing social cohesion and dividing into various camps.

'It started before social media kicked off, but has accelerated exponentially ever since, now everyone is judging and criticising everyone else and we are losing social cohesion and dividing into various camps.'

We did evolve typycally in smaller family groups/vilages with around 200 or so people in our social group ,

Now some numb nuts living life in terms of what others might think  can have influence over 100's,  1000's or even millions just because they look pretty.
FFS  ;D its like a feedback network that renders the planet mindF£$&*^ed

I think the idea of democracy itself is undermined by it , look at the fiasco elections world wide are becoming , start a coup /civil war by proxy using the internet , once you have the place well an truely armed pro and anti ,then the lorries can roll in to get the resources ,job done , and no boots on foreign soil to cause a backlash at home . 

This is clearly a first world problem where we have the luxury of time and wealth (comfort) to judge and condemn historical figures without a shred of context for their life and time. Even current figures of import who don't appear PC by today's elevated PC standards get targeted. (Don't watch any old movies from 30s-40s-50s+, they are often not remotely PC, and could cause snowflake's heads to explode.)

We get what we teach and this is the result of universities changing from incubators for new ideas and forward thinking, into teaching victimization and identity. The pervasiveness of social media allows these social justice warriors to preach almost everywhere.  History has become something else to criticize, rather than learn from, as we move on a path to repeat some classic mistakes.

Of course opinions vary as our group has already been affected by these trends. Like watching a slow motion train wreck.


PS: SF needs to focus instead on a huge and increasing homeless problem attracted by questionable policy. Human waste can transmit diseases we have all but forgotten about. Hepatitis A is increasing again in CA, police officers contracted typhoid in LA. We are revisiting a bad period of history (medieval level sanitation conditions for multiple  homeless communities.)
Thanks for taking time out to interpret the situation, folks.

"Slow moving trainwreck".  Bout sums it up.
There have been calls to remove the huge carving of confederate leaders on Stone Mountain. It seemed to be always "in the news" as it was being completed when I was a child (the 1960s), as it took about a half century to carve, and several people died while working on it, and the origins of the project can be clearly tied to the KKK.

The park is tourist and recreation attraction for the Atlanta area - hundreds if not thousands visit it every day,  and jog or ride bicycles around the main five-mile circumference road around the mountain. The main parking lot has a clear and obvious view of the carving, and is next to one of the larger Civil War museums.

But there was an alternative plan for the carving, apparently done tongue-in-cheek,  to add something of modern culture to the carving rather than remove it, and it got quite a bit of support and attention:
There have been calls to remove the huge carving of confederate leaders on Stone Mountain

I sympathize with the desire to remove works of art tied to institutional racism, but the SF mural was made to raise awareness of the historical mistreatment of Native Americans.
the old saying comes to mind about those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. 

If you ask me, as a person who has lived in California over 20 years now, this is low hanging fruit. The folks running the show do little gestures like this to appease their voting base without tackling real issues.  I don't see this mural as a real issue and should it be to anyone,  grow up. Life is not fair, life is hard and it can be ugly, get used to it.  over half a million to remove something that up until recently was not a problem. We have bigger problems out here, we are fighting midivil diseases and mass homelessness. We as a voting whole created these conditions along side the folks we elected.  It's a shame it has come to that. What is next?
I don't see this mural as a real issue and should it be to anyone,  grow up. Life is not fair, life is hard and it can be ugly, get used to it.  over half a million to remove something that up until recently was not a problem.