electroluminence panel freqv-responce?

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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2005
hello all
I bought an electroluminence panel at www.elfa.se/en/ (partnumber 75-561-29 ) just to play around with..but the frequency response is just 100-3000Hz..is that what they usually are or is this poor?

the idea I have is to drive it with a small 220/12 volt transformer ( feeding the 12v with a small amp such as LM386 and using the 220v primary to drive the el-lum )
I guess its fairly obvious I'm building a low voltage optical limiter :grin: I've been using LEDs before, but the on/off caracteristics sometimes introduce distortion at lower frequencys and when I tried small lightbulbs (2,4V/0,16W) they are too slow...

..so back to the question..is this frequencyresponce what I should expect from electroluminence panels or are there others out there that are much better

any thoughts/answers are much appreciated..

..and yeah,..lowvoltage as in batterypowered, easy to carry, stompboxe-size..
yeah, I knew about the LF-rolloff, and have compensated for that before when using LEDs, the big surprice was the HF-rolloff at 3kHz :shock: isnt that a little low?..probably doesnt matter too much when processing vocals, (except possibly a lot of SSS-sounds? ) but not at all what I expected..?.. I allway assumed they would be better and better the higher you go...but then, assumption is the mother of all FxxK-up's. I guesss...

Speaking of assumptions, why not just test it before you worry about what the spec sheet says? If the frequency response spec is just "100Hz-3000Hz" with no other information or conditions given, then it's a fairly meaningless spec. Hook it up and see how it does in your application.