eq that will run on +- 24v

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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2004
jacksonville FL
im looking for a parametric eq (shelving ok too)that i could build and put in my ez1290 case, it has +24 and -24 and +48v available from the jlm psu inside. any ideas.

ive looked at alot of the obvious, calrec, s800,night, etc. but i don't know if any of those can take +-24v
Isn't the voltage determined by the OPamps, so moving from NE55xx to OPA26xx should give the ability to shift the voltage with no problem.

great info guys. should have thought of the regulators :roll:

now if i use +24 for the neve and +24 and -24 for an opamp supply there shouldn't be any power supply load balance issue (between the + and -) as long as the current rating of the psu doesn't exceed the current needed by both right?