Everything up for grabs in Irish general election on Feb 8th

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2015
The current administration here looks set to take a good bashing in the next election , what Fine Gael have lost in percentage terms according to  the latest poles, Sin Fein have gained ,  now instead of two main parties ,FG &FF ,we have three hovering in or around the 20% mark . Its really no surprise republicanism  has gotten a lift in its fortunes as there's a real sense that the present government doesnt care a damn about a marginalised working class city people or rural communities. Both the larger parties also have stated they wont go into power sharing with Sin Fein  ,again no surprise there as traditionally Sin Fein kept tabs on the misdeeds  of everyone else so they had their own secret back door into the corridors of power .

Rival drugs gangs have been slaughtering each other in the capitol for many years now , but lately were seeing a massive increase in drug related violence virtually everywhere ,even country towns , and the age demographic is younger and younger children getting dragged into first weed then the cocaine trade. Last week alone we had a 17 year old found chopped into pieces and a 20 year old who tried to prevent an undesirable element entering a party in his home had his throat cut and died .
All the government can seem to offer is non existant policing , where really they would be much better off breaking the link between criminality and weed by at least a limited form of decriminalisation . If everyone could grow their own ,first off the police could concentrate on more serious offences ,two ,the street price would hit rock bottom , there'd no longer be the profit margin to keep criminals interested and the link up the chain to the cocaine trade would break down ,and third there would be a net benefit to the economy as you dont have as much money being poured down a black hole  . The (almost certainly) outgoing prime minister or Taoiseach Leo Varadkar was cornered on live Tv last week about his own drug taking , which,I think for the purposes of damage limitation he stammered and stuttered into admission . There are other unconfirmed allegations of a young and carefree Leo in nightclubs off his chops on ecstacy pills and casually dropping the hand on any males in his vicinity  :-[ I guess if he found a stiffening member he knew he was on the right road , but definately more misses that hits I'd say

Anyway its all up for grabs(scuse the pun) here in around two and a half weeks , the darlings of Dublin 4 will be out the door and most likely a Corkman will front the new administration  ;)

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