Favorite diode for Vari-Mu stereo link iso?

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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2006
Looking at the BAT46 Schottky diode, for it's low forward drop rating.  The 100V peak reverse rating may be of concern, depends on the circuit.  Just starting to think about this; anyone have experience and favorites here? 


I am probably worrying about nothing, but would like to minimize voltage drop in the CV in an existing piece that was never envisioned as linked.  I measure CV range of -0.25 to -19.5 in the piece in question, and if I'm thinking about this correctly, I'll be introducing a turn-on stepping effect. 
Why do you need isolation?

Dump all 2 or 4 main rectifiers onto one C-R network. The hotter side controls gain in both sides.
Two existing independent mono networks that will get used as mono units, and in linked configuration.  1930's collector pieces, so minimally invasive approach required, and don't want to have time constants shift from paralleling of networks.  The old half the R and double the C thing. 

FWIW, I have strapped the CV's together already and had a listen.
I just used some schottkys I had around for a similar thing.

emrr said:
I'll be introducing a turn-on stepping effect.

But where does the step come from? Doesn't the forward voltage drop just mean you need that much voltage for it to start conducting? So if it's the usual 0.7V just turn sidechain input (or similar attenuator controlling the eventual CV voltage) that much louder.
These beasts are AGC's, with an "always on" approach.  There's never zero CV, but it gets close, and what I propose will introduce a zero CV reality, with a step, thus the desire to minimize it.  In practice it's probably not an issue, just thinking aloud before the bench tests.  BAT46 looks to induce 0.25-0.4 forward drop, but maybe there are better candidates.  I've not investigated diodes for this purpose until a few hours ago, and there are very few stereo tube examples (with SC iso) to peruse.  Certainly none with low CV's.  I'd like to try a few different things and see if I find an observable difference, or if it's an ignorant mental phantom. 
I think it's in your mind.

But if currents are small, 6AL5 has lower drop than any simple solid device.