G Pultec Grounding and PSU

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Active member
Mar 6, 2008
Hi All!

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.  I finally got around to working on a set of G Pultecs that I've had around for a while and one them is very close to completion.  I'm not super circuit savy and just wanted to confirm a few things with the PSU and grounding.

First thing, grounding.  Are there any extra connections that I need to make for proper grounding besides the connections on the circuit board and pin 1 on the xlr in and out?  Right now I have nothing connected to the third prong of the power plug and that seems suspect.

And for the PSU is there anything special with regard to 220v Vs. 110v?  I bought the triad FS12-1000 transformer from the original BOM (http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/998035-transf-6-3vac-2-0a-split-pack-fs12-1000.html), was that the right move for 110v?  Do I have to wire it in a specific way for 110v operation?  Does anyone have a pic of the correct wiring for both power transformers?  That would be super helpful, I think that I did it right but I'm not sure. 

I'm getting the tubes in a few days.  Is there anything that I should do before I pop the tube in and fire it up so I can avoid disaster/destroying components?  I have a multi-meter but again have never used it...

I attached a pic of the PSU section if that helps any: 

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Sorry for the long demanding post:)


Tie that power lug to a clean chassis bolt, turns the chassis into a shield (yay!) against incoming noise and outgoing voltage. Wire your primary winding in parallel for 110/120v operation, wire in series for 220/240v.

once your have double check every power connection to make sure they're correct, power up without tubes in and check voltages at each PSU filter cap to make sure you're in the green zone (do this with one hand in your back pocket and your body not touching ANYTHING you're working on, learned this from experience). The voltages will be somewhat high without a load(tubes) so don't freak out...yet. Check to see if anything is getting excessively warm, if not, power down and pop those tubes in... then give it another try, checking voltages again of course, make sure you're under all your rated voltage limitations (caps, tubes etc) and see how it sounds. Enjoy!
Andrewg said:
Hi All!

Thanks in advance for any help and guidance.  I finally got around to working on a set of G Pultecs that I've had around for a while and one them is very close to completion.  I'm not super circuit savy and just wanted to confirm a few things with the PSU and grounding.

First thing, grounding.  Are there any extra connections that I need to make for proper grounding besides the connections on the circuit board and pin 1 on the xlr in and out?  Right now I have nothing connected to the third prong of the power plug and that seems suspect.

And for the PSU is there anything special with regard to 220v Vs. 110v?  I bought the triad FS12-1000 transformer from the original BOM (http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/998035-transf-6-3vac-2-0a-split-pack-fs12-1000.html), was that the right move for 110v?  Do I have to wire it in a specific way for 110v operation?  Does anyone have a pic of the correct wiring for both power transformers?  That would be super helpful, I think that I did it right but I'm not sure. 

I'm getting the tubes in a few days.  Is there anything that I should do before I pop the tube in and fire it up so I can avoid disaster/destroying components?  I have a multi-meter but again have never used it...

I attached a pic of the PSU section if that helps any: 

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Sorry for the long demanding post:)



I got the same setup as you did when you posted back in 2011. I know its been a long time and I don't know if you still have the build but if you do can you please post a few pictures to see better how you finally put the power section together. I know I should post in the official Gpultec thread but this seems more direct.

