Just wondering how much heat sink is required? I got stuck with a surfacemount jerry-rigged "kte" package. I'm worried I might have to get creative :roll:
yea I tacked he leads with extra wire and mounted it, we'll see what melts ::?: : it's all I could get in stock in the US....
BTW Jakob I appriciate the fact the designer of the project I'm building (and so excited about) is responding to me - let alone the first to respond :thumb: this board rocks!
are you familiar with this package?
You scared me a little once once I re-red you're msg. I have no Idea how to dissapate 2W off this pice of silacon.... no mounting hole no nuthin'. Maybe cable tie a littlte pice of aluminium to it?!
Not knowing the SMD-783, I think the idea is that you solder it's largest (centre) tab to a large copper plane (i.e. unetched PCB area). At least this is how SMD power transistors are heatsunk. My guess is that 2.5x2.5cm or so would be sufficient.