G9 mic pre vs Avalon 737?

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Well-known member
Jun 11, 2005
Hello friends. I want to build a tube mic pre but i am confused, a litle...
I have heard my Neumann TLM103 via Avalon 737 and it sounds wonderfull!. What about G9? Someone to tell me about the G9 sound vs Avalon 737 sound?
Thank you
Sound is too hard to describe in any sensible way, so your question is not really possible to answer. Try building a G9 and see if you like it. I bet you will.

Jakob E.
I know it Jacob and first of all i want to thank you for your help (websites, shematics, help etc).
For second i just want to know more about how G9 sounds. I say about Avalon because i am use it the last 3 months and i like it very much. I am not a Rock musician so i don't like the hard sound that some tube mic pre do. I am a broadcaster playing jazz songs from cds on the radio, and some track infos with my voice. I like so much tubes but when they doesn't sound "fat" or hard. I like something like Copland's hi-fi amplifier that i bought from your country...

Thank you again for all of your work that share with us!
they do look cool and sound not bad...
So will a G9 if you case it nice and pay attention to good components!

Overloading our 737 gave good results on heavy rocksolo's.

I will finish 12 channels of G9 in the coming weeks and be a very happy man. Wouldn't want to have 12 channels of Ava's though for the cash I would need to throw :? My 12 channels of G9 costed about the price of 1 avalon btw.

just some 0,02 ?

[quote author="FotisGR"]Hello friends. I want to build a tube mic pre but i am confused, a litle...
I have heard my Neumann TLM103 via Avalon 737 and it sounds wonderfull!. What about G9? Someone to tell me about the G9 sound vs Avalon 737 sound?
Thank you[/quote]

Hi,I've build Dual Unit G9 (Base Gyraf audio.....and well many thank to Jakob....)And all thoses preamp are working in studio.What I said is that,
different people used them and thoses preamp where compared Avalon,U Audio M610 and somes others during recording Jazz,Classic and others.
All said that it's was very Clean sound and very usefull with the gain stages...So In my opinion if you want to DIY this base with patience and GOODS COMPONENTS (Not the more expensive!) You will have a very good preamp.I've build it With OEP and LUNDALL transformers,and with 12AU7 or 12AT7 ......

I always have very,very GOOD RESULTS!!!

And One more times ?many thank To GYraf AUDIO.

A bientot.
FWIW, I compared the Avalon 737 very carefully to the Millenia Media Origin STT-1. I ended up purchasing a pair of STT-1's with Telefunken tubes, and they sound absolutely incredible. I don't regret the purchase in the slightest. For tracking, processing, and mastering, they rule.

If you want something right now that gives a wide range of coloring, and money isn't an object, that's the one I'd go for. But I seriously dig building as well, and since I got into DIY, I haven't purchased a new piece of kit for my studio.
[quote author="FotisGR"]I have heard my Neumann TLM103 via Avalon 737 and it sounds wonderfull![/quote]

Interesting! They should probably sell the two together, then, because every '103 I've heard with any other preamp sounds like ****! :razz:

Interesting! They should probably sell the two together, then, because every '103 I've heard with any other preamp sounds like ****!

Maybe the problem is your ears. Do you have visit a doctor about it? (It's not a bad idea...)
sorry but I'm with Al on this one...
Of all the neumann's I ever heard, the 103 sounds least as a Neumann.

could be my ears of course :wink: although these have been checked recent and no problems so far...

I'm sure Al didn't want to insult you, listen to a 67 or 149 tru the same preamp, then conclude.

I'm sure if you like your 103 tru a 737, you'll love it tru the G9.
Don't think you need to go for the Lundahl's, OEP will be just fine and you'll even more character. Try it!
If you don't like it, desolder it and build another preamp, DI, fuzzbox, amp or whatever with the components. great fun

Cheers and good luck,

Don't think you need to go for the Lundahl's, OEP will be just fine and you'll even more character. Try it!
If you don't like it, desolder it and build another preamp, DI, fuzzbox, amp or whatever with the components. great fun

I like your idea :thumb: So i will start.

Thank you all
tru the few channelstrips that I heard the 103 when testing out before buying, I ended up buying something else. Don't want to start calling a mic names, I just wasn't impressed at all... For about the same amount of money a AKG 414 delivered bigtime (too my impression!).

But again, you might have found the combo that works and you can never have enough colours when painting!

Be happy with it, G9 will be a perfect partner!!!

Glad you decided to build one Fotis! If you need help, this forum is a wealthy place to look for it and there's always someone around to answer any questions you might have.

Have fun!

[quote author="FotisGR"]Maybe the problem is your ears.[/quote]

Nope, it's the mic.

Don't get all offended, son. So what if some guy on the internet doesn't like the 103? Who the hell cares!? If you like it, use it! :thumb:

OK thank you all of you. It is truth that all of you in the forum are "gentlemen" . Thank you again and i am sorry about the doctors etc. It was a mistake....

tru the few channelstrips that I heard the 103 when testing out before buying, I ended up buying something else. Don't want to start calling a mic names, I just wasn't impressed at all... For about the same amount of money a AKG 414 delivered bigtime (too my impression!).

But again, you might have found the combo that works and you can never have enough colours when painting!

Be happy with it, G9 will be a perfect partner!!!

Maybe the mistake is what i like and what i use the tlm103, for. I am broadcaster and i use this mic only for this application. 414 isn't so good to my voice. Maybe is what i like... Many times i found myself to like transistors pre that sound like tubes and tubes that sounds like transistors. It's funny i know, but this is what i like...
Anyway i start to build the g9. I was confused a little because i don't like the trafo's effect, but i will try again for last time...


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