GSSL Super Sidechain PCB : Need ONE !!!!

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New member
May 15, 2015
Hi everybody.

I'm building my 2nd GSSL and I'd like to put a Super Sidechain board in there.

Unfortunately I don't manage to find one.

I tried to reach Gustav for that but no success.

Is there anybody who's selling a PCB or who've got a Gerber file for that board.

Thanks a lot for the help guys.


Hello All,

I have 2 that aren't needed. Inbox me if you wish to purchase them. Harold
If can't get hold of one, might consider rolling one's own. There were several SC boards, so features may differ... either way, maybe don't even need all features of Gustav's old board ? That one had:

+ relay for soft bypass
+ extra LED supply port(s)
+ one inverting input buffer and one inverting output buffer wrapping around:
-- EXT sidechain input (and output)
-- passive RC filter settings for HPF
-- two active filter settings for slanting the freq response.

(These latter two active filters were inspired by a well known unit with SC filter freq corners that are IP -- these filters themselves are/were hyped, IMHO, I have them but never use them.)

If only HPF is desired, could easily do passively by putting caps on a switch and inserting on GSSL board in place of the 22uf in the sidechain.

And once the filter section is active, could do all sorts of things, as suggested by member Harpo elsewhere, from bandpass to notch or low pass, or even sweepable (faceplate is the limit). Could all be done on prototyping board.
found this in an old folder
it s a redraw by this guy GSSL buss compressor
it was one of my past resource for Gssl build, but i never implemented
hope it helps


  • sscpcb.pdf
    27 KB
  • Gssl_SSCFilter.gif
    79.4 KB
Sorry o_O ...maybe can be translated with Google...i forgot it s written in italian
let me know if there s any misunderstanding
i m also interested so hope to help
No problem. Can read it, sort of. Just would need to look up a few words. And yeah, then there's always gokkle.
Somewhat like I said, that guy too felt little 'effect' in TL and TM mode -- whatever that means

Nei brevi test che ho effettuato però "sento poco" l'effetto TL e TM.
That board does without the input and output buffer, right ?

Is that going to work together with Turbo mod, when two filter boards are needed, and I would want compression to be comparable in 'Turbo' and 'stock' mode ?
Hi you all,

the last ssl bus comp Release....
4 sidechain mode!
and all the extra features added long these years
They too sure read this forum. And why shouldn't they. I like the video at around minute 11:10 where it says:

"And there is so much more you can do as well, you can do a full factory reset, there is so many functions here" -- ;)

The dynamic eq thing he talks about sounds cool but looks like a pita to program in detail. And so is the THD setting, also operable via pushbuttons. Why not just put those things on different-colour encoder pots ? Seriously, who can rest their hand on the case top ?

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