Ok it looks like I can do this without cutting a trace - and will have more B+ available than expected. Node "A" (decoupled by C114) is marked 320v, so there is more upstream. I'll get the voltages with the GZ34 in place first.
The two PC boards are straightforward to remove, but I'm going to do the least amount of board modification as practical. If I need more juice (target: 350vdc) I'll interrupt the 5vac supply from the power transformer instead, and will jumper pin 4 to pin 8 on the rectifier socket - which conveniently means I can insert a DMM set to current measurement in those holes. Easy.
The power supply circuit board is well labeled. There are test points for B/screen and plate voltages. Nice black board, gold plated holes and test points. I'm comfortable in this situation; I have experience with much more challenging PC board based tube amps (Mesa Mk IIB, anyone?).
Edit: 332vdc coming in on pins 4 and 6 to the (now) Mullard GZ34. 323vdc on pin 8 going out to the center tap of the output transformer, so -9v dissipated by the GZ34. 317 at the plates, so the OT drops about 5v of B+. 318 at the input of the preamp section. Just to reason check the meter: it's an older Metec (Radio Shack era) but it has been solid, and double checking a few other measurements were as expected. So this looks normal and like the other one I wrenched on a few years back.
I don't know if the characteristics of an old school Mullard or Amperex GZ34 are worthy of the -9vdc B+, or if it really matters in this context. A 25 ohm power resistor would simulate sag, but I've heard there is something special about the old GZ34s.
Anyways I'm back to looking to add around 18v. maybe more - and not sure that's going to matter either, haha!
Edit2: The JJ broke it's center pin (more likely I fat fingered it). Fortunately there's clearance under the power supply circuit board to get the remnants out if something like that happens. And for that matter, removing the board isn't super difficult, just a handful of screws. Between that and one of the JJ EL84s cooking off, I'm going old stock on power supply and output tubes from this point forward.