Help! finding THAT2181LB

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Active member
Dec 2, 2004
Can anyone help me find these VCA's, I'm looking for THAT2181LB, I understand they are pre-trimmed and would prefer to use them in my SSL Clone.

Nashville TN USA
AES booth:


Rumor has it, as told to me by the kind Gentleman wearing the glasses, that if you ask nicely for samples, they just might send you a few. Two is the limit. Dosen't the SSL take three? Darn, they make those things right down the street in Milpitas. Or Milstinkas. Or Smellpitas. ( there is a sewage treatment plant nearby!)

Please don't bombard them all at once as the might pull the plug.

I just ordered a set from here:

DIY guy, maybe hangs out here?

Darn, they make those things right down the street in Milpitas. Or Milstinkas. Or Smellpitas. ( there is a sewage treatment plant nearby!)
I understand it's the 20th anniversary of the Bhopal disaster. So it only seems fair to note that the 2180 chips I have are marked INDIA on the back. Guess they aren't adding any additional pollution to Milpitas with these chips. Wonder if they're easy to get in India or how many Lab members live nearby the other THAT fab...
Can anyone help me find these VCA's, I'm looking for THAT2181LB, I understand they are pre-trimmed and would prefer to use them in my SSL Clone.

Isn't 2181 the trimmable version and 2180 the pre-trimmed one?
Do a search for 2181 and 2180 threads. 2181 is has a better distortion spec if you externally trim them. The 2180 is pre trimmed. Plug and play.
There was a post that I replied to that I believe I left a link to the trimming spec sheet. Can't remember but again as I stated search the 2180, 2181 threads lots of info there. I mean here. :wink:

BTW I bought 2181LB's from Dr. Foster last I knew $8.00 ea
[quote author="evil grill"]anyone who knows how to get them in europe?[/quote]
If you considder England a part of Europe:

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen