i have been searching to this info, with some graphics, but no result!
lets say i have 254 nm UVC with 10mW/cm2 output at 10cm distance...
how long would it take to kill this corona virus... has anyone seen any data/graphic!
all i could find is, some X amount Watt of UVc lighs desenfects Y sqm meter room in Z time... not really helping me out...
not all same watt lights are outputting the same amount of radiation reading!
lets say i have 254 nm UVC with 10mW/cm2 output at 10cm distance...
how long would it take to kill this corona virus... has anyone seen any data/graphic!
all i could find is, some X amount Watt of UVc lighs desenfects Y sqm meter room in Z time... not really helping me out...
not all same watt lights are outputting the same amount of radiation reading!