the framework so far.
After thinking about it and coming up with an idea I later found that it had a remarkable similarity to something that Mr. Fred Forssell had posted that I only recently discovered. At least I can say that I must be on the right track.
No values are posted, I have yet to put this in a proper schematic and figure out my values. Going with the feedback resistor needed for the FETbloke, I figure that the pots will be around 10k and the input series resistor will be around 5k-10k. I'm not sure how this will affect the values of the L and C components yet.
Any and all suggestions welcome.
Personally I will be using this for a mastering EQ.
Now for the legal mumbo-jumbo:
I intend this to be a group project, maybe someone will offer boards, I might lay it out as well but any work on my part will be offered as free for NON COMMERCIAL use only and any similarity to any other person's work is strictly coincidental as I have pulled influences from many sources. I do not consider myself the author of this design, I am simply organizing readily available information into a usable form.