I just ate one of those Tesco burgers...

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Arff... there were some good ones on the radio, most of which I've forgotten.

"I just checked my burgers in the freezer.....  aaaaand they're off!"

"My Lidl Pony"

and so on.  :D
I don't know about the industrial ground kind, but some of the best steaks I have eaten were horse at the simple cafeterias in northern Italy.  Better than any beef-fed beef I had in the UK.
This is my favourite:

I think someone may be sending me death threats. I woke up this morning with a Tesco burger in my bed.


Imagine the outrage if the Daily Mail found this in a bookstore
I was wondering what's with the horse jokes.

But what's the big deal? We eat horse meat here in Finland as sausages especially. I know US is one of those countries where eating a horse is basically a tabu because it is considered a pet. Same with reindeer. I suppose bear meat is ok?

What about UK? Been such long time since I lived there I forgot.
sodderboy said:
I don't know about the industrial ground kind, but some of the best steaks I have eaten were horse at the simple cafeterias in northern Italy.  Better than any beef-fed beef I had in the UK.

I'm always looking to improve my running performance. One article I read stated that athletes should only eat the meat of athletic animals. Consequently, I'm looking to find somewhere that serves racehorse steak. Let me know if you find somewhere.
Another point: in the US, historically, horse-meat was used in canned dog-foods. While we love our dogs, we don't really want to eat the stuff they will eat. (This is changing, canned glop is fading in favor of kibble, and junk-kibble is being replaced by gourmet kibble with highly detailed ingredients. I'd eat my dog's Chicken & Brown Rice, but it's crunchy for my teeth and fatty for my liver.)

The USA is not 100% anti-horse-meat. Many Italian-descent folks ate horse in the old country and maybe would today, but it wasn't available (in good quality) so it fell out of habit. In my youth a butcher started to offer it. A small but very loud group of picketers forced him to stop.

> I suppose bear meat is ok?

Bear is rare.

People in US do eat bear. Apparently common through mid-century. Hunters take California bears for meat (they are too small for rugs). http://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2010/11/bear-a-meat-worth-trying/67024/

Wild-beast meat in general is rare. I have had elk, and seen boar, but I understand those are grown on farms.

While there are hundreds of bears in cages, they don't seem to be sold-off as meat. Among other things, elk or boar can eat plants, bears need some meat or fish. Carnivores are just too expensive to be food. I doubt there is any commercial supplier for bear meat.

Also, bears accumulate trichinosis. This killed one of the Arctic expeditions who were eating polar bears. http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2012/10/26/172668/meal-of-black-bear-meat-leads.html

One wild meat that you can get many places: venison, deer-meat. In New Jersey you could just peel deer off the road (or the bottom of your car). In season you could often find a hunter and sometimes get a piece; or go in the woods and bag your own. Here in Maine, they think they should have deer, but mostly don't. Deer were common early/mid 20th century when farms were being abandoned. Once the woods grow back, deer can't thrive. They do much better in suburban gardens, such as most of NJ and some residences just outside the national park. (Coyotes are a very minor factor: deer can out-breed the coyotes.)

Maine still has Moose. Enough so car-moose accidents are somewhat common (and very serious: a moose is so high the body hits above the car hood). Common enough to harvest a few hundred a year (lottery). I've had moose. It is about the only wild meat I'd eat more than a few times.

We don't have a problem with squirrel over here in the UK - there are a few restaurants and deli's selling it: http://www.economist.com/node/21548935

Squirrels are very dextrous. I wonder if eating them on a regular basis can improve your agility?

HFW is right, I'm afraid - eating dog is no less morally justifiable than eating pig: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2047641/Hugh-Fearnley-Whittingstall-Puppy-meat-worse-pork-chop.html

I thought it was someone here saying the city squirrel's were not as good from eating the Mc D's garbage
too fatty and the country squirrels were better ?
okgb said:
I thought it was someone here saying the city squirrel's were not as good from eating the Mc D's garbage
too fatty and the country squirrels were better ?

It would stand to reason: nut fed. What would you rather eat: something fed on McDs (which is entirely garbage) or nuts?

Maybe squirrel farming's a good business opportunity?