ENS Audio said:
jdbakker said:
ENS Audio said:
BTW to all fellow newbies I STRONGLY recommend getting into learning any PSPICE/Simulation Program for it will not only make troubleshooting IMO a lot easier but I will probably help you have a better understanding of all this theory crap, that is if you have one of those of many ELEC project books/tutorials out there.
Some would disagree.
As mentioned in the linked thread, one surefire way of getting a better understanding of all this theory crap is to analyze existing, known-good circuits.
Most likely I'll sound "dense" for asking this...when you mean printing out known good circuit you are just referring to any Schematic design thats confirmed to be correct and just start with reviewing formulas, nodes, branches, e.t.c??
You make it sound so complicated. Print out the schematics and start with getting ballpark estimates. Let's take
the Green pre schematic, for example. A resistor divider sets the voltage at the
+ inputs of U1a and U1b. Schematic says resistances are 2.2k and 10k, supply voltage is 15V, so said inputs sit at 10k*(10k+2.2k)*15V = 12.3ish Volt compared to ground.
Meanwhile, any op-amp that's hooked up properly will do its darndest to keep the voltage between its input terminals equal. We know the Green works, so it's a safe assumption that it is successful in doing so. (For now, never mind
how its feedback loop achieves this, just remember that the op-amp can only achieve this by changing the voltage at its output, which in a real circuit can never swing beyond the supply rails). So the voltage across the 2.2k resistors connected between +15V and the transistors' collectors (and the op-amps'
- input) is equal to the voltage across the 2.2k resistor of the voltage divider connected to the
+ inputs. This divider sees a total of 15V, of which ~12.3V was found to appear across the 10k resistor, leaving 15-12.3=2.7V across said 2.2k resistors. Ohm's law yields that the current through those resistors must be (2.7V/2.2k) or about 1.2mA. That 1.2mA has to go somewhere, and as only a negligible amount of current flows into or out of an op-amps input terminals, all of it has to flow into the transistors' collectors.
One simplified view of a transistor is to treat it as a current amplifier, which takes a small base current to steer a larger collector current. The current amplification or hFE differs between transistor makes, transistor current and temperature, but 'somewhere over 100' is a good bet for a small-signal transistor made in the last 20 years. If you want to be particular, the datasheet for the BC550B in the Green schematic lists hFE@2mA as 290 typical, 200 min, 450 max. So in the typical scenario, both transistors have a base current of 1.2mA/290 = 4uA (or 6uA for a specimen with hFE on the low side of acceptable, vs 2.7uA for the overachiever in the batch). So what's the voltage on the transistors' bases? As we're just doing a DC analysis you can forget all about those pesky capacitors for now, that leaves a 10k and a 47k resistor in series between the bases of each of the transistors and ground, for 57k total. Ohm again with the base currents: the bases sit at 57k*4uA = 230mV typ, 350mV for a min hFE part, 150mV for max hFE. All this is below ground, so to be proper I should list it as -230mV/-350mV/-150mV.
...and I'll bet you that's not
exactly what SPICE said.
If you use SPICE as your test bench without understanding both the circuit and the SPICE models you use, you'll spend a lot of time chasing your tail. Analyze the circuit with Mr. Ohm and a few rules of thumb (most of which I mentioned earlier) and you'll know when a measured voltage somewhere in your circuit is within acceptable tolerances or not.
If you're even semi-serious about this: buy
the Art of Electronics.
[typing this with a fever and a headache, so some of the math may be off]