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Well-known member
Sep 5, 2005
new zealand

hi folks. a client has just sent me said ibanez ad190 to fix. dead it is.
ive yet to do a session thru it to sort it .
but if anyone mite be able to help with a circuit diagram and manual. wow. that would be awesome. anyone?
thanks. i turned it on this afo. the flanger sounds awesome...
the delay. no go.

i can find the delayed signal. i think it must be destroying itself inside the expanding side of the companeder.
this is weird th. the chip fitted is CC3697N . cant find anything about this one.

other underside the board tho on the printed circuit side with the other identifications the chip is indicated as "570"

im thinking they mean NE570  which is a compander chip.

so i havent got a circuit BUT this boss dm2 circuit that i found on the internet must be similar system and vintage. SAME CHIPS


my dum question is .. is the mysterious  CC3697N equiv to NE570..??
ah ha. turns out the compander chip was ok. and it has an entirely different pin out in reality to a NE570.  the fault was one of the filter stage transistors o/c. and then a dirty innards of the flanger/delay switch. and THEN a hairline crack of print feeding the switcher fets. dam. i could blow on that crack at it go off on on. .. (that sounds a bit weird i realize)  but three faults effecting the delay-er in different ways. fix those things 1by1  and whack.  back to life.
The nice thing about troubleshooting repairs is that you know the circuit worked properly before. Troubleshooting  scratch designs can be even more fun.....

hey mr  zpliff. dropped the ball sorry. that schematic is for a boss delay pedal. the ibanez is way different. has more delay control circuitry and mixing options. that circuit was useful cos it used almost the same chip set as the ibanez. so. i dont know whether the boss circuit is good for the effect.dylan custard reckons the boss delay was dam fine though. as good to play as the ibanez which he had also.

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