Hi I am recording with a Warm Audio WA 67 microphone (output impedance = 200 ohms) into an Ampex 601 (input transformer impedance = 200 ohms), the output (600 ohms) is sent into a tube compressor with 600 ohm input impedance, and output impedance is also 600 ohms. This is sent into the line input of my Focusrite Clarett+ 4 pre (66k Ohm input impedance)
During mastering, I send the digitally recorded signals from my Focusrite Clarett+ 4 pre line out (output impedance 68 ohm) back into my tube gear (either the 200 Ohm or 600 ohm input impedance )
I am trying to make sure I am getting my impedances matching / bridging correct.
My questions are:
1) For recording, I am matching impedances all the way through my signal chain, then bridging the impedance going into the audio interface. Is this the correct way to do this, or should I use a transformer and match the 66k ohm input impedance of the audio interface also?
2) For mastering, should I transform the 68 ohm output to match the 200 ohm or 600 ohm input, or is bridging this ok too?
3) Is there anything else I am missing?