Hi I posted this at Head wize they dirrected me here, I just wanted some opinions. They already cleared up the need for some sort of ground refrence for the non-inverting input of the op amp if capacitively coupled.
I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with making a preamp for bass and guitar (any electromagnetic transducer).
I have an old Les paul Triumph recording bass, It has low impedance humbucking pickups. I don't have the old line matching transformer for using the bass with High impedance systems so I've been prototyping some pre-amp circuitry.
Currently I have my excessive preamp which seems to work well. I wanted to get some oppinions on it.
Instead of tying one end of the pickup to ground like most set ups do I decided to try using a Diff Amp configuration (Instrumentation Diffamp for this prototype). It picks up less hum than it ever had in passive mode (After grounging metal mouting brackets around pickups the previous person who worked on it didn't do this)
I am using 2 9V batteries for a dual rail power supply setup (I don't have the right kind of Jack right now so I use a DPDT switch to turn on and off the thing). Using some of the Good ole' Cheap TLO7X Op-Amps.
This is the basic preamp chain.
1: Non-Inverting, Unity Gain, Ultra High input impedance, instrumentation Buffers (Basicly 3 op amps for one buffer for each pickup. Total ground isolation).
2: Inverting Gain stage 1 per pickup -infinity to 26dB of gain currently TOO MUCH, I wasn't thinking and just figured a voltage gain of 20 would be fine. Sheesh I accidentaly blew out a speaker making my bass feed back.
3: Summing inverting op-amp to output.
I started building this preamp befor I read about A problem with impedance matching on Non-inverting ultrahigh input impedance op amps. Something about the Op-amp needing to see the same impedance at the inputs of both inverting and non inverting channel in order to reduce output errors. The pickups are really low imp like 150 to 200 ohms With multiple taps which make them go down to like 50 ohms.
Currently I just have the High imp (instrumentation) diff amps set at unity by tying the outputs to the non inverting inputs. I was wondering scince the Pickups are such low impedance if I would need to put like a 100 or 150 ohm resistor in between the Output and the inverting input of the op amp to simulate the pick up load?
I hope someone here knows what I'm talking about when I say instrumentation Diff. amp.
P.S. I was thinking of cutting down on op-amps and just using a simple single op amp diff amp for the pickups (instead of the instrumention diff amp config). Anyone have any feelings or input about this?
Does anyone know how to make a 2nd or 4th degree Varriable Lowpass filter with resonance at the cutoff using only a stacked pot 2channel op amp and some Resistors and Caps. The low pass filter I have plenty of resources on. Its the resonace that baffels me. Ive seen very complex lowpass filter schematics with resonance. I have an Alembic bass with Anniversary electronics. It uses lowpass filters and I can flip a switch to turn on an 8dB resonant peak at filter cutoff, and It only uses one Opamp. Their next model has a tripple peak setting of 6dB 9dB and 12dB, and the really expensive system has one that has a continuously variable resonant peak from 0 to 16dB. And I think they only use one dual channel opamp per pickup. Any idea how they do that????
Sorry to be so long winded.
I was wondering if anyone here has any experience with making a preamp for bass and guitar (any electromagnetic transducer).
I have an old Les paul Triumph recording bass, It has low impedance humbucking pickups. I don't have the old line matching transformer for using the bass with High impedance systems so I've been prototyping some pre-amp circuitry.
Currently I have my excessive preamp which seems to work well. I wanted to get some oppinions on it.

Instead of tying one end of the pickup to ground like most set ups do I decided to try using a Diff Amp configuration (Instrumentation Diffamp for this prototype). It picks up less hum than it ever had in passive mode (After grounging metal mouting brackets around pickups the previous person who worked on it didn't do this)
I am using 2 9V batteries for a dual rail power supply setup (I don't have the right kind of Jack right now so I use a DPDT switch to turn on and off the thing). Using some of the Good ole' Cheap TLO7X Op-Amps.
This is the basic preamp chain.
1: Non-Inverting, Unity Gain, Ultra High input impedance, instrumentation Buffers (Basicly 3 op amps for one buffer for each pickup. Total ground isolation).
2: Inverting Gain stage 1 per pickup -infinity to 26dB of gain currently TOO MUCH, I wasn't thinking and just figured a voltage gain of 20 would be fine. Sheesh I accidentaly blew out a speaker making my bass feed back.
3: Summing inverting op-amp to output.
I started building this preamp befor I read about A problem with impedance matching on Non-inverting ultrahigh input impedance op amps. Something about the Op-amp needing to see the same impedance at the inputs of both inverting and non inverting channel in order to reduce output errors. The pickups are really low imp like 150 to 200 ohms With multiple taps which make them go down to like 50 ohms.
Currently I just have the High imp (instrumentation) diff amps set at unity by tying the outputs to the non inverting inputs. I was wondering scince the Pickups are such low impedance if I would need to put like a 100 or 150 ohm resistor in between the Output and the inverting input of the op amp to simulate the pick up load?
I hope someone here knows what I'm talking about when I say instrumentation Diff. amp.
P.S. I was thinking of cutting down on op-amps and just using a simple single op amp diff amp for the pickups (instead of the instrumention diff amp config). Anyone have any feelings or input about this?
Does anyone know how to make a 2nd or 4th degree Varriable Lowpass filter with resonance at the cutoff using only a stacked pot 2channel op amp and some Resistors and Caps. The low pass filter I have plenty of resources on. Its the resonace that baffels me. Ive seen very complex lowpass filter schematics with resonance. I have an Alembic bass with Anniversary electronics. It uses lowpass filters and I can flip a switch to turn on an 8dB resonant peak at filter cutoff, and It only uses one Opamp. Their next model has a tripple peak setting of 6dB 9dB and 12dB, and the really expensive system has one that has a continuously variable resonant peak from 0 to 16dB. And I think they only use one dual channel opamp per pickup. Any idea how they do that????
Sorry to be so long winded.