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It's getting there, I've recapped the electrolytic caps, reflowed solder, cleaned switches/faders/pots on the first 16 channels, busses and masters. Most of it just springs to life with a bit of tlc. I've also hardwired all the insert points through to a patchbay as all the insert points were causing me grief and didn't respond well to cleaning. It's my first time moving completely OTB and I've got to say I'm getting much better results tracking and mix wise, and just generally having more fun with it lol. It's been a really great intro into learning electronics.

The 2290 is a big project!
Cheers! Yeah it's not going well haha. When I got it it would power up but display random numbers and was outputting loud crackles and noises from the line outs. I pulled the PCB's out and cleaned up a whole heap of dirt/oily build up across them, recapped the power supply, cleaned all the connectors.
Now it displays properly and the controls are working, the analogue output is nice and quiet, but I'm not getting anything out of the digital side. I know from a bit of research that this is likely one of the many unobtanium chips in the AD/DA lol. I haven't traced all the voltages around yet though so there's hope it's something nice and simple yet.

Also, nice to meet you guys, I've been eyeing off the Vari-mu compressors you guys do as a project down the road :)
I feel your pain: I once found one in a local scrapyard - buried under a tractor motor - and spent an entire weekend repairing broken PCB traces where the motor bent the unit. Got it working, but in the repair process it turned out that it wasn't really a production model but an early prototype (Pic related: Spot the difference?). Yes, TC were local here.

Took a lot of work getting the converter boards up to specs

You should really try pushing TC about making public the complete service manual - only parts of it is in the wild as we speak, and right now I fear very much for the future of that company..

/Jakob E.

I can't spot much of a difference, the only thing I can see is different faceplate screws. That's a cool score though! Does it function differently at all?

After mucking around with mine today I've got it working! I'm not sure what exactly fixed it, but I think it was giving all the IC's a but of a push down in their sockets. I spent the afternoon making sure that all the Ic's were getting the correct voltage to the voltage pins (they were, except for the +5vApedal, which is a bit high at 7.9v, I'm not exactly sure of the difference between the 5v, 5vapedal and 5v sense lines yet) , and made sure they were all seated properly as I went. Turned it on and away it went. 😎