Bore Da chaps,
Just saw this,
Before i start - I'm not Religeous in anyway shape or form......
What do you reckon of this ?
I wish our PM had nuts like that ...... :thumb:
How long will it be before the race police are knocking my door ?
Here's my say - F**k all to do with anyone's colour, but don't try and impose beliefs, that were , maybe OK in the dark ages, but today - you gotta be joking....
Best part is, He's probably been tagged as a racist , but all he said is true.
**** all this Race ****, start living in the real world, don't hide behind Politically Correct ********, face facts, no Excuses.........
Nothing to do with race - it's about 'law'
F**k all to do with being a RACIST.
The U.K. is F**ked, the most it has ever been.....
A Nanny State of the highest order, when all that seems to matter is raising taxes,while 'stealthily' f**king the people that actually do a bit of work, and all the politicians want to do is sort out their own, Not giving a toss about what is really happening on the street.. (nothing new),
F**k Gordon Brownhead, and the rest of his Scum government.
Have some balls you bunch of C**ts.
If you want sharia law - then piss off back to the places where it happens - only problem being, they get no Housing, apart from a mud hut, no 'freedom', and most importantly, no 'free state' to sponge off , NHS, income support / dole.....etc
who's the suckers ?..........
Australia's looking more and more inviting everyday....... :thumb:
Have a nice day.... :thumb: