> Single channel, 5Mhz scope, with 3" CRT. Bananna jacks for the input, 3 position sensitivity selector. It's about the most basic scope I've ever seen.
De-Luxe next to an Eico 427. OK, the EICO was a full 5", but never sharp or accurate. It claimed 500KHz (actually I think it claimed 500KCPS) but the gas-tube sweep would not lock above 100KHz.
I did a LOT of good work with the EICO, but hypersonic oscillations were always a mystery.
For basic, hard to beat my rebuilt Allen B. DuMont. 3" tube, un-square raster (single-ended deflection and stray flux), no retrace blanking, drops dead at 21KHz (mostly by design), sensitivity 100mV-10V uncalibrated variable pot, two sweep ranges with pot trim. Oh, 1/4" guitar-plug inputs to match the unbalanced patch panel we had in the lab those days. It will display the audible sound in an electronic music class, and nothing more. Big Feature: minimal controls, hard to set wrong. If you set all the knobs to MAX, and feed signal, you WILL get a picture, then just fiddle to tune it in pretty.