Ketone Premium

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
Back in March I sent off for a trial of Ketone Premium slimming tablets. It was only £2.98 so I thought is was worth a try. I was checking my credit card bill today and discovered that they have legally had £75 a month off me for the last three months. It turns out that buried deep in the terms and conditions of the trial it says if you do not cancel the 14 day trial before its end that you will automatically be signed up for a regular monthly supply at £75 a month!!!!!!!

I have checked with my credit card company who were aware of this dubious practice but cannot refund the money because the terms and conditions are quite legal. I also contacted citizens advice who also knew about it.

So, whatever you do, do not sign up for these and please tell all your friends about this dubious business practice.


Aww man, do you really have to take pills?

Woudn't it be as effective for you if you simply drank a lot of mint-and-green tea?

And go for a walk (perhaps a jog)?

Simply going for a walk dressed in some PVC-like anorak (so you'd sweat like a f**k) would bring about some of the desired effect ... without using chemicals.
ruffrecords said:
So, whatever you do, do not sign up for these and please tell all your friends about this dubious business practice.

This has been going on for the past three decades at least! And especially with "slimming" pills! :eek: I would have thought the knowledge of these is entrenched to the whole of society already.
Hope it at least helped somewhat since you paid for it , some of those pills are just fibre meant to fill you up
so you eat less . For myself , I liken it to a bank account  Calories in Vs calories out 
burn some through exercise and try not to take in bad ones [ junk food high sugar fat ]
Beer is high Cal , but it's greater harm is the influence on decisions that you make  ,
" Ah I can finish that pizza , I'm really hungry , I'll exercise more tomorrow - when I'm hungover .......
Ooohh that's insidious, but no wonder coming from a pill company i guess?  :-\
Here is my take on diet, feels weird to discuss about that here but anyway if this can help??? hahaha

For loosing weight there is nothing better than a DIET, strict or not, depends on your daily habits, but followed with regular basis EXERCICE.
Now depends on the health and age of course, exercice doesn't mean pushing yourself too much, well at least not for the beginning.
Pills and all are actually reducing the chance for you to achieve a result, because what is too easy, doesn't help imho (like a lot of things actually  ::) )
I wouldn't recommend running, i think running is "ok" for people that are already fit, and have no articulation problems, running can make a lot of harm. Best is bicycle or swimming (if you can), start with 15mn 3 times a week, then do more days, and more time if you feel like you can, pushing progressively is good i think for feeling the difference etc.... you'll feel the difference after 1 to 2 months i'm sure, and you'll see it too in the mirror haha...
Eat normal 3 meals a day but one fruit BEFORE eating your meal, an apple or banana is best, it's a natural appetite suppressant , works well, the 3 meal rules everyone heard of works good too, eat wahetever you like in the morning (not too fat tough) avoid  getting too much bacon egg etc..., (well unless you're going to burn it during the day ;)  ), a little less at dinner, and like a poor at night, but with one fruit before, i felt it work well for me.
Meal shouldn't be too rich in Fat, pasta etc... as said before and that's pretty obvious, but not just because of the Fat, limited bread, eat in "limited" quantity, after some time you'll get used to it, and you won't feel the need to ask for more, belly reduces, and so your appetite, and make sure to leave some "space" not filling your belly too much, always good to feel "light" after eating, gives more energy for having the force to do some exercice, rich and fat food tends to make you very tired and defeats the purpose, you just feel too lazy, body can't follow...
And of course, no cookis and whateer snacks and junk food in the middle, i know it can be hard, but every "drasting" change in habits have their hard part, until your mind has set to the new one.

Anyway there are tons of things for diet, and a lot that is too much rules sometimes, so no need to be a fanatic on diets, but like everything, the hardest part is to do it, when you're at it, and if you stick to it, then it should be all good, no pills and no money spent for that.

I'm 34 years old, so it's easier of course, but i had lost 12kg in 4 months doing this ( blood test and all at top levels), and i'm tottaly fine and keeping at it, it's just became my new habit, i have fun, eat what i like but not in excess, and if i ate too much (family dinner or whatever) then i exercice more to compensate etc.... No pain no gain

ruffrecords said:
Back in March I sent off for a trial of Ketone Premium slimming tablets. It was only £2.98 so I thought is was worth a try. I was checking my credit card bill today and discovered that they have legally had £75 a month off me for the last three months. It turns out that buried deep in the terms and conditions of the trial it says if you do not cancel the 14 day trial before its end that you will automatically be signed up for a regular monthly supply at £75 a month!!!!!!!

I have checked with my credit card company who were aware of this dubious practice but cannot refund the money because the terms and conditions are quite legal. I also contacted citizens advice who also knew about it.

So, whatever you do, do not sign up for these and please tell all your friends about this dubious business practice.


Good luck...  I can't believe the amount of TV ads I see for "free' stuff....  nothing in life is free, and if something seems too good to be true it probably is.

Perhaps complain to where you saw the advertisement...

I am more annoyed with myself than anything else. I am well aware of the free trial and cancel it before the end else we will charge you forever type of 'deal' and in most cases they are fairly transparent. However, this one was particularly sneaky. I do not recall seeing any terms and conditions on the web site I visited and strangely it no longer exists. Nor were the terms mentioned on the email conformation of the order of the despatch notification email. The terms were mentioned on the leaflet included with the sample but that is after the contract so not valid anyway.

If you visit their web site now, all you get on the opening page is a series of cancellation options for various countries in Europe. There's a link at the bottom to their terms which in which the you'll get charged if you don't cancel paragraph is suddenly quite prominent.

Bottom line is I think this was deliberately intended to trap people into making payments for goods they did not want. They might find it hard to prove the terms were made clear at the point of sale as it no longer exists.


Kingston said:

(it's the second link by googling ketone premium)

Now that's just rubbing it in!  ;)

I learned about these scams and the fine print in the sixties, joining record and book clubs.  Luckily, before you're an adult, they can't hold you to the contract or ask for their product back!
bastards! I had a similar incident once, they knocked me for over 100 pound!! I tried to fight it but I had to cough up as I didn't read the t+c's I agreed to :-[. A similar thing happened to a friend of mine and he actually phoned the company up and put on a posh english accent, threatened to sue them and they actually refunded him the money!?
cheap enough to bombard you on the internet with it , that enough people slip up or have a lapse of judgment
On t.v. I keep seeing a 14.95 gym or something like that , and all the cell phone roaming charges  .........that's another one
to be very careful about .  IF it's book or a/v related check out your local library first  I think it's easier to be more objective when
you haven't yet paid good money for something
      My wife once got in the hospital using some sliming pill's. They are very dangerous! When the product offered makes things too easy that's when you should worry!

It seems the credit card company should be a bit more helpfull...
Well at least some of the claims are true... I mean clearly your wallet is "slimmer"...