Km84 slow to wake up

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Feb 25, 2023
One of my favorite dinosaurs, a KM84 that looks like coming from war, has come back to life again after being taken apart, cleaned a bit and put back together. Now it have even a japanese screw, donated by an generous AT 3528... (Don't be so hard with me. I don't know any reliable technician here for this type of parts. When I bought it, it was already old and destroyed, it didn't work. A soundman had it in his toolbox as a souvenir) Though it is very battered, it is my best SDC. Here is the question: it takes a moment to respond; for about ten seconds it does not emit any signal, and it takes maybe 30 seconds to reach its volume (which is not what it should, since I have to give it a lot of pre-gain. This problem was already present; however, it is good, more than acceptably clean). What could be the reason for this new behavior? Is the capsule dirty perhaps? (I will not try to clean it, I promise)
Thanks! I certainly don't have another one to compare it to. Neither I nor my brother, who is more particular about these things and was the one who "revived" it, remembered the mic remaining off for five or ten seconds and then its response going up so slowly. For now it sounds good. Thanks!