La2a Transformers

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I used Jensens along with the circuit mods from their website. It may not be as authentic sounding as some other transformer combinations, but it sounds great to me and I use it constantly.

:thumb: :thumb:
I just ordered a set of sowters and a set of jensens... will let you know in a few weeks along side some vintage UTC's
one thing to consider is price...

for a set of sowters its about $150

for a set of jensens its about $210

UTC can fall anywhere in between those two numbers
Hi Sceneria

I don't mind the price just want the berst sound ...where can i get the jensens I'm in europe?

for the help
Hi Guys,

as regard sowter I know the model numebers but as regarding Jensen and UTC don't know the models any help on this one?

And what pots do you suggest to buy for the La2a i'm doing the bloo kit at the moment?

This is my first tube I need to buy the heaters for the tubes? or do they come with the tubes?

sorry for the newbie questions..... :oops:

I think that you may need to do some studying up. Asking questions is a good way, but the LA2A although not super complex, is difficult enough that you need some knowledge of tube stuff to have a successful build. If you are super lucky and run into no problems, you may be fine, but most likely you will have some problems and some knowledge of what you're dealing with is invaluable in trouble shooting.

If nothing else, read up on some safety with electricity.

Yes, all tubes have their own heaters. They are very much like the filament of a light bulb. They heat up the cathode and create an electron cloud to be shot over to the anode.

I started by building a simple tube amp from the ax84 web site. They have some terriffic documentation there that is applicable to many tube based, and electricity based projects. If you haven't been there, I'd check it out.
The Jensen's are what I used, they are pretty clean. I also used Metal Film resistors to get a more transparent sound. I love the sound of the origional LA2As, but I wanted to build a great comp I could run anything through without that "vintage" sound. Sometimes I really wish it had that color though.
Scenaria you b@$târd!!!!

I had 27 PMs this morning, as a result of your post!!!


Oh, and the Europeans and... well, the rest of the world actually... have no idea whatsoever when thanksgiving is!!!

[quote author="Scenaria"]hey Keith,

ssltech is helping me out with a really nice step by step instruction set for the la2... its about 2/3rds of the way done and will be ready to be put through a beta test this coming week... after thanksgiving I will be sending it to all of you guys... it actually will address alot of your questions :)[/quote]

[quote author="SSLtech"]Oh, and the Europeans and... well, the rest of the world actually... have no idea whatsoever when thanksgiving is!!![/quote]
Why? Is it soon? Or is it over? :grin:

Best regards,

Mikkel C. Simonsen
> do I need to buy the heaters for the tubes? or do they come with the tubes?

Argh!!! I ripped my back last week, very pained, sitting here doped to the gills, and you give me the best belly-laugh I've had all week. LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) LOL(ouch) !

Not laughing At You, but at the way some things that seem "obvious" after way too many years do have to be mentioned to someone who has never done this before. Like first (and last) time I was on a horse: "where's the brakes?"

As Arrigotti said, "very much like the filament of a light bulb." i.e. you CAN'T put heaters in tubes yourself (unless you have super high vacuum and sealing equipment). Just like you can't replace a broken filament inside a light bulb.

Look at the pin-connection diagram for the tubes. There are 2 (or 3) pins called "H". Look at the tube, squint inside. Those pins are welded to metal strands that run up inside the center of the tube. It is basically a light-bulb filament (which makes more heat than light), packed with clay (insulation), shoved inside a coated metal sleeve (cathode). Some fine wires are wound outside the cathode (grids) and then a big metal sleeve (plate). The heater is in there "forever".

Oh... when you get into BIG tubes, ones with handles, many thousands of watts, some of them can be taken apart to have the filament replaced. Obviously(?) you need a high-vacuum facility to put it back in working order. And I don't think they would ever put a tube back together without a heater: they use the heater to stir-up the last few gas molecules so they can be sucked or absorbed, and they need a heater to test the tube and be sure it went together right.
I know I need to learn more about these things just don't know where to begin... I learned loads of things on VCAs opamps doing the G SSL

thought it would be the same with the La2a...Never soldered a tube in my life and I'm here trying to do a comp with these... :oops: :oops: :oops: .... any litratrure on the subject is very much appreciated..

hey prr hope you get well soon...
Aaaaarggg! I used to have a link to that Spangenburg textbook which would be a great resource for you but I lost it, and a bunch of other links, after a hard crash. Does anybody else have that for him? I'd email my copy but it's HUGE!


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