lab psu questions...

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Well-known member
Dec 30, 2005
I have a lab power supply its putting +/- 5V ...and working out on something that needs 10V..
Can i join both positive and negative rails without worries?

Do i need any filter caps or current limiter resistor?
if i need can i still regulate it? ?

You sugest any thing?
I don't really understand your question...

it has two separate that puts out +5 and one that puts out -5, is that correct?

If so, I am pretty sure what you said is right.
3nity said:
Can i join both positive and negative rails without worries?

You mean using the -V as ground right?

It's ok to do that as long as you keep the ground of the unit floating.

Maybe you should tell us more about your project because it might be unsafe to keep the ground floating.
I see i think i'm gonna get outside and buy me a 9V battery...
its just a hi-fi headphone amp running on 10V....
Most lab PSUs have entirely floating ports, so this should work. But from your writing it is impossible to tell if this is really the case for your unit--check the manual.

Do a continuity test between each output and chassis GND to see if all OPs are floating - it's really simple and preferable to using batteries (Less expensive). My lab PSU has 3 outputs that I can use however I like. Remember that the voltage put out by a supply that's floating is a potential difference between 2 points - a terminal only becomes ground if you tie it to gnd.

You really need a current limiting bench PSU with floating outputs. If this isn't one, Ebay is your friend.  


edit - I didn't see Samuel's response: what he said.

A proper PSU with floating outputs is effectively a battery...except it doesn't run out and - ideally - will give you current limiting to prevent damaging projects when testing.