Letter of the Month

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Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Norfolk - UK
I have been a reader and subscriber of Linux Format magazine almost since its first issue but rarely have I felt motivated to contact them. However, the other month they have an article on editors which I thought would be interesting but it turned out to be little more than a round up of code editors, as if nothing else ever needed editing . So I dropped them an email which, to be honest, was a bit of a rant and I was pleased to receive a very nice reply from the editor. I thought no more about it.

Then, the other day, the latest issue (288) arrives in the post. While reading it I notice a letter complaining about the same article on editors. I agree with what this chap is saying, I thought. Then I glanced down to the bottom and saw it was from me! And what is even better is, it was titled Letter of the Month (turn to page 17 to see it).

Ah, fame at last :cool:


I used to write a magazine column (Audio Mythology in RE/P magazine) back in the 80s.

When I would make a reader angry enough to write a LTE (letter to editor) complaining about my column, I would get to respond to their complaint, always getting the last word...:cool: I didn't lose any arguments in the letters section.

There is an old saying, don't pick arguments with people who buy ink by the truckload (referring to old time newspaper business).

There is an old saying, don't pick arguments with people who buy ink by the truckload (referring to old time newspaper business).

And my wife's (she is a PR person) addition to that used to be, when an artist complained about a review,
" because they own a news paper and you don't "

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