The nickel diaphragm is exactly that - nickel. It is made that way using an electroplating process, not on a Mylar sheet. Somewhere on this forum was another thread on how that is actually done.
It is true I have put nickel onto mylar, but that's because nickel and gold are very close in characteristics for evaporation. I used nickel first to get the process right.
Actually, most mic types that used to use nickel diaphragms (generally, small-diaphragm condensors) now use Mylar, with the exception of measurement mics. Those run very high tensions on the diaphragms, and Nickel will hold together where other materials don't. One other mic that was interesting was the Altec M11 'Coke Bottle' that used a quartz diaphragm with a gold coating.
As far as I know, Gefell simply makes a new M7 capsule, rather than trying to clean and re-use the old one. I put on a pair of Mylar diaphragms on an M7 - and most re-skin places do that, as far as I know. Cleaning the adhesive off is no easy task, and you have to be careful so as not to put a scratch on the surfaces.