Many thanks to Tekay for my 1290

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Rob Flinn

Well-known member
GDIY Supporter
Jun 3, 2004
Between Sussex, UK & Aude, France.
Here`s some pictures of my latest creation. I want to thank Tekay for the board design for this & some advice on the way. I really like the sound of this & intend to build some more.
nice one rob - gives us inspiration to use newbies...

is that a Tascam MX2424 in the background?
telefunken modules in the background as well?
are there a couple of relays at the back of the PCB?
white lettering - go on spill the beans - how? (is it rub on? I can only seem to get white rub on lettering)
is that a Tascam MX2424 in the background?


telefunken modules in the background as well?


are there a couple of relays at the back of the PCB?

Yes its Tekays board, built stock. The board includes relays for Z, phantom & phase.

white lettering - go on spill the beans - how? (is it rub on? I can only seem to get white rub on lettering)

Yes rub on lettering from RS.
That looks really good Rob.

I wish had mine finished too but I haven't bought output transformers yet, because they have to fit in a 1U case, which in my case means that they should be not more than 36 mm in one of the dimensions. I don't really know what to buy, because most seems to be bigger.

Nice Rob :thumb:
I am jealous (and lazy) :sad:
Missing two small parts, chassis and one VTB1148.

And me with parts. I hope next year it will be finish :oops:
[quote author="Rob Flinn"]Duka

Can you tell me about what you have with your controls. I`m guessing that you a have some filters etc[/quote]
Hi Rob
I have standard Gain and Volume, pad, +48V, Phase and Air and H.P.Filter like on 1073. Circuit is like Tekays.
You're welcome! But thank Rupert! he's the designer! What I did was to come up with a strange layout for my first prototype, with a lot of parallelled electros to get the original value :?
But the design worked out pretty well, my prototype was used for the last two Roxette songs, probably the ever LAST Roxette songs forever!
Learned a lot since I did the this 1290 layout, a much better easier board will come soon I hope if not from me there's other "good" layout guys around here!
:sam: :sam: :sam: :sam: :sam:
Just a few things I learned about this circuit on e way! (Thanx to John Klett and Geoff Tanner.)
If you want the real sound, DON'T mess with the gain settings! You'll come a long way with "only" 50dB max gain!
Don't use STMicro for the 2N3055 or no names, you'll never know what's inside the can!
I've tested Toshiba, RCA and ON and they all work fine.
Don't change the tantaliums for standard electrolytics, they're part of the sound!

If the equipment after the pre has an electronics balanced input? terminate the outputtransformer with a 604 or 620ohm resistor otherwice you'll have a small HF boost.