Montreal Group buys & DIY meeting ?

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I've updated your list of the persons who are interested in this first meeting and posted in the first post of this thread.

Hi all,

Please ask me if you want to be added. (or removed)

Great job vertiges! A dozen is a good number!

My preference is to meet after the first or second week of January.
Most days or weekdays are OK for me.

I think maybe its time for all to say what day is preferable.

However we still don't have a place!

A restaurant sound good until you wonder where we would put any DIY gear we may bring. It could get a bit clumsy.

Schools are closed tomorrow (Monday) so again I will not yet have news on my room!

Hi, well, we dont use a bantam patchbay but we have plenty of 1/4' or XLR i/o so no problem there, we'd make it efficient for quick a/b'ing.
As far as when, its up to you, mid-Jan sounds good.

[quote author="Bluzzi"]lozion - Sound great!

That would be perfect! Very generous of you. I'll bring the donuts!

Do you have a bantam patchbay? If needed I have bantam adapters to XLR and TRS in case anyone wants to demonstrate DIY.

I am still trying to get a room here locally but I am in Pierrefonds and most are central Mtl. But it would be a permanent place at least.

Off topic, but I missed this auction by a hair...
What do you guys think? The owner sent me a mail stating this was made for him by Dale Epperson who is the president of Old School Audio...
Off topic indeed... :wink:

The price is quite fair... Building a GSSL will cost you around $ 350-400 CAD if you do it by yourself. (and a lot of hours... at least for the first one :wink: )

[quote author="lozion"]Hi, well, we dont use a bantam patchbay but we have plenty of 1/4' or XLR i/o so no problem there, we'd make it efficient for quick a/b'ing.
As far as when, its up to you, mid-Jan sounds good.

Sounds great! I sent you a PM.
Yeah got it Bluzzi.
I'll let you guys organize this as you know each other...
just let me know when & I'll see if its possible.
Btw, there's a ton of restaurant/bars/pubs close by the studio, we are on Crescent St.
Actually I don't know any of us! I doubt the others know each other too. Not in person anyway.

Your on crescent hmmmm.....I think I know your studio by name! I came by your website last week and noticed the drummer on 1 picture! B.P. right? Doing M.S.'s CD! What I'd give to meet him! Amazing Drummer.

anyway yeah, we could go for a drink, food after.

I'll try and get it organized and get back to you.

Guys if you are reading this please let us know your preference for days/dates and time. I would guess evenings on weekdays and early to mid afternoons on weekends. Tell us whats open for you. This will give all of us an idea of when its going to happen.

Looking forward to meeting you all


Hi all,

About the place for our first meeting. Just an idea... I was thinking about the Commensal on the Saint Denis Street. There are big tables downstairs, it's very relax, it will be easy to talk. The Metro Berri is very close. Does any of you know that place ?

I don't thing we'll use the soldering irons on the first one ! :wink:

Just a thought here : if we are twelve people and if we choose to go to a "classic restaurant", we have to make a reservation !

eD - I think lozion was offering his studio for the first meeting. Restaurant would be good after. lozion's studio is on Crescent, thats pretty central and close to metro too.

If we have DIY to show off or debug the studio or a place to open up the "guts" is better. But if we are just going to introduce ourselves and talk, yeah anyplace would be good.

Also it doesn't have to be the same place everytime.

So how about it guys, whats a good day to do this.

Jim, my mistake, I haven't refresh the page before posting...

Well, that's sound good to me ! Thank you Lozion !
And I guess it will not difficult to find a restaurant on Crescent.

Evevenings on weekdays and early to mid afternoons on weekends is perfect to me too as well. And from the 12th January my schedule will be kind of relax...


PS : Jim, how your GSSL is going ? And about those strange behaviours of voltages we had, I propose we open a new thread. I'd like to know, to understand why this is happening. But I'm so busy right now :cry:
vertiges - the GSSL is on the floor behind me as I type. I will try the XFR again tomorrow but last night I tried a Hammond toroid I have for my 1290 and MP-2 pres and I got the voltages I expected. CT to Ground was 5v or less as opposed to 80v on my Amveco. I'm doing somethign wrong for sure but I am following Amveco wiring. I'll try a few more times before I repost. Maybe I'll show up at the meeting with the GSSL and the XFR and see what we can do!

Now lets get the rest of the MTL gang de foux to give us their prefs for meeting date.

C'mon guys don't be shy, we need you!

jim :thumb:
[quote author="Bluzzi"]OK, so lets start narrowing it down.

How about a day between Monday Jan 14 and Sat Jan 19th?

that sounds good with me...evenings are best for me. guess this means i have a deadline to get something in working order for the meetup... :shock:
OK, more narrowing down.

Evenings of Monday Jan 14th to Friday Jan 18th and maybe Saturday afternoon (I don't think many will want their Saturday nights taken).

Saturday afternoon would be pretty good for me, weekday nights a somewhat distant second, though I could still probably swing it, with a bit of advance notice.
lozion -

How does Saturday afternoon of Jan 19th sound? If not which weeknight before that?

I'm just trying to narrow it down so we don't go around in circles.


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