[quote author="Kev"]M3 screws and 6mm 8mm or 10mm brass based stand-offs
... or stand-offs of nylon with M3, very practical and also safe if you use two screws, one at each end. M3x 6 screw is fine.
How do you countersink your standoffs into the bottom of the unit?
I've used a countersink for wood. But what kind of tool do you use to countersink into metal. I imagine you have to be pretty precise to avoid drilling right through the metal.
[quote author="kato"]I imagine you have to be pretty precise to avoid drilling right through the metal.[/quote]correct
careful use of the end stop on the vertical drill
and then use feel and presure and perhaps a sheet of paper or cardboard under the base plate
I work in aluminuin 99% of the time
a regular drill bit can work and I do use it for a short pre-touch
it can be very unforgiving into bottom plate
and disaster is never far away
forgot to say that I have a selection of counter-sink bits just to suit my M3 screws
... and I hate it when the supply changes
cos I have to rework my feel and touch and couter-sink selection
my metal work is always very touchy feely
that's why I'd never make any money trying to be a manufacturer or service provider
and why I work for someone else ... ie the day job