Maybe I can make it a little clearer.
The gain of an inverting feedback amplifier with an input resistor Rin and a feedback resistor Rf is just -Rf/Rin.
The gain of such an amp with two input resistors Rin1 and Rin2 is -Rf/Rin1 from the source end of Rin to the output, and -Rf/Rin2 from the source end of that resistor to the output. Add more resistors and associated sources and the gain from each source to the output doesn't change, until you start to run out of opamp open loop gain.
However, the opamp voltage noise at the output is the equivalent input voltage noise, call it e.i.n., times (1 + Rf/Rin) for the single (grounded or terminated in a zero impedance source) input resistor*. For the two resistors, taking the simple case of Rin1 = Rin2, the opamp output voltage noise is e.i.n. times (1 + 2Rf/Rin). The more resistors I add to mix more sources the more I amplify my opamp voltage noise. These are examples of noise gain, which in general is different than the signal gain.
If I instead lift the source end and float a given resistor, it's as if it isn't there, and that makes the noise gain go down, so my output noise goes down. Also, the thermal noise of the resistor can't contribute either. So there are advantages in floating the unused source resistors. But in some cases the designer has adjusted the opamp open loop characteristics to work optimally with all the input resistors terminated in a low impedance, so the sound may change if you float them, or even in some cases the whole shooting match may oscillate.
* Neglecting resistor thermal noise and opamp input current noise