MXL 990 vs. MCA SP-1 pcb size

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2012
The Netherlands
I know the two mics are basically the same electronically, but for modding I wonder if the single and round pcb in the MXL 990 has anywhere near as much room/space (for larger caps and such) as the two "rectangles" in the MCA SP-1 have.
I don't have either mic, I do have a MXL 2006 and it has the same circuit.

Are you talking changing components on the stock board, or a complete replacement (e.g. RoyerMod) For a complete re-work I'd guess teh 990 would be a little easier to work with. Otherwise probably depends on what you want to replace. Here is a visual aid:
I stuck a Royer mod into a 990 once and it was a tight fit. The tube, trans, and OP cap ate up a lot of space but it can be done.