My name is Michael

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Nov 13, 2017
Hi, my name is Michael, purely a hobbyist who collects too many drum machines and synths. I recently delved into the 500 series format, I record and make/play all my music for myself and I love gear, hands on, tweaking and turning, flashing lights, tracking boards, VU meters. The whole visual and auditory combination.

I have a penchant for buying records for sampling for hip hop beats, I think it's the sampling of records combined with playing synths and bass guitar to accompany my beats that gives me the most enjoyment.

I started building up a rack of compressors and preamps along with some 500 modules, I don't really have any focus on what im doing other than to experiment with different gear and get away from staring at screens when it comes to tracking my music and recording.

I think maybe I want to get to the a point where I have a 10 slot chassis filled with useful tools for running drums and samples through to create and shape all kinds of different tones and sounds.

I have a record addiction and I love drums more than anything else in this world.