Need help ID'ing a transistor

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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2005
Hello. I'm trying to repair a blown switching power supply, and I believe the problem is the switching transistors. I can't identify them, though. They are Fairchild, since they have the "F" symbol on them, but the other numbers don't match any cross reference catalogs I have. They are:


Anyone recognize these numbers? I checked on Fairchild's website and a search yielded no results. Any help would be appreciated!! Thanks!
Wouldn't that just be a 13005-1 ?


Jakob E.
You need to give as much information as possible: like what is the package, for one. This is clearly at best a partial number.

And do you have a schematic of the supply? Any further description of it?

Without anything else to go on I conjectured that it could be an MJE13005---see for example (I'm not sure how long this link works, but you can Google it again).

Ooops see that gyraf is thinking along similar lines here. Anyway, that strengthens the conjecture. More data!!
Check all the electros often the electros go first then the transistors. If your transistor are gone good luck fixing it. Check the magnet wire coating for burning on the coils.
Thanks for the tips all. I'm afraid I don't have much more information. Can't get a schematic. It's a TO220 package. And I'll check the caps as well. It may have been a power surge that blew the power supply. No visible evidence of trauma, though.

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