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Used to own two stereo units. (I think the 'D' was stereo, and the "Q4" might have been a mono version).

Handy, quiet, -usable... Not thrilling.

Switchable high and low-pass filters, four bands of fully-parametric EQ also individually switchable if I recall correctly.

It's like a complete set of medium-priced tools. Great for problem solving, but not a 'character' piece.

-If your console has a fully-parametric 4-band EQ on every channel with swept, switchable high and low pass filtering, and you have plenty of channels, you might never patch it in (we had one in a Neve VR room and also another in an SSL room... and they were rarely explored). -But if you tend to run out of EQs, then these can do most problem-solving jobs competently.

Can't speak for how they stand the rigours of time, because ours were never rigourously deployed. -It may be that the pots become as scratchy as a mange-ridden dog after a few years; -I never had cause to open ours to se what typo of pots were used, but they felt as though they may not be Clarostats or some similarly durable brand... -That's just an impression though, no research was involved in the formation of that assumption.

For some odd reason, I thought of them the other day, and wondered if anyone else had ever heard of the brand...

Yes Paul, as the designer I know a bit about the Q4D :). What is it that you want to know?

Keith, the "D" signified "Dual" - simply 2 of the Q4 cards in a 2U case.
Pots were Alps, as loved by many of the 1980's mid-range console manufacturers.

After a failed altercation with one of the UK's "great" banking institutions, Shep Associates acquired the Nemesis assets and did far too little with the Q4 / Q4D products. A couple of years ago when the owner of Shep decided to shut up shop, I re-acquired the Nemesis products and have sometimes considered re-launching the Q4D and updating the design to reflect 23 years worth of additional experience, as well as to give my pick & place machine a bit more work! Is it a good idea or not, I wonder?

Thanks for all of the great info guys
IM looking to add a good eq to my outboard and wondered for the right price if this was good?
SO far its at £35 plus £15 p&p
Are there any old parts to replce or upgrade as its quite old?
paulrichards7 said:
SO far its at £35 plus £15 p&p
How depressing :(  :eek:

Seriously Paul, it's a good price.
If I were to upgrade, re-engineer and re-launch, I would be looking at a 4-figure sum.......

The only problems I have had to deal with have been a couple of failed pots, and I really do mean less than 5 in total. The switches may go a bit scratchy, but a squirt of suitable switch cleaner will resolve that problem.

Well, I got the one off Ebay. The guy added a Buy It Now price of 150 quid so I grabbed it.

Hope you still think this was a good price?

I've never done any DIY work, but wondered if there is anything I could do to this thing that will improve it's sonics? How much would you charge Gareth to make some mods to improve it?

I have been looking around for a cheap good quality EQ and none seem to exist, apart from the DBX 242, but I have not found any used ones anywhere. I hope I found one with the Nemesis?

Any advice or comments are welcomed.
Hi Kane,

I have sent you a PM.
I think that £150 is a reasonable price, so yes, a nice score!

hi all.
i have one of these with a channel down. any ideas who i can get to fix / help me with it?
cheers for any help,