Neotek Series 1 Schematic/Pinout

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Mar 18, 2015
I've been searching for a copy of the Neotek Series 1 schematic, and I can't find one.
I've looked on the mailing list, but there doesn't seem to be any available.

Would anybody have a copy I could take a look at?  I have a couple modules that need to be racked.
Neotek schematics are hard to find, and there are also a few variants of the Series 1. Mike Stoika, whose company is Sytek, bought all of that stuff from Neotek, and he can help you figure out which modules you have, and sell you a drawing.

On the other hand, it's a simple, single sided PCB using almost exclusively quad op amps, aside from some discrete bipolars in the mike amp. If you just want to rack one up, tracing the schematic near the IO connector (or pads for hardwired connections on some modules) is not all that hard. Start with ground, trace the power supplies from the op amp terminals, and follow the signal routing. If these are the hardwired modules, perhaps a little bit of the console's wire is left on the pads, and the color of the wire can help you to figure out what's on that pad?

One question: what sort of EQ controls do these channels have? The Series 1E has a 4 band EQ (the same as the S2 and S3) where each band has a sweepable frequency and two modes, using a pull-switch attached to the band gain knob. The 'normal' Series 1 has a 3 band EQ with fixed HF and LF shelves.
It's a normal Series 1 with a 3 band EQ.  I know it wouldn't be hard to trace.  I will probably end up doing that anyway.  Having a schematic would be nice, nonetheless. 

Join the Neotek mailing list.  Lot's of great folks and talented techs on there.  I own a Series II and have found it to be an invaluable resource.

I have a Series 1E channel that racked up - it was faulty and I couldn't get the schematic either.
I worked it out, over time ... a long time :)  and modded it to work as I wanted.

It has a ton of fet switches associated with the different routings used by the board.
That and enough logic chips to be a real pia to work out in the absence of the right info.

Oh and no connectors or designations.  Real pre-computer state of the art hand pcb layout. Old school.

On the other hand, it *is* doable to rev eng some kind of schematic and  maps - enough to get things going.

The thing I got out of the Neotek S1E channel was a very strong and quite brash EQ with a lot of control and the rest very ordinary.  Especially the  mic/line pre. And all the outputs :)

With all the mods I did to get it to sound any good, in a standalone context, I ended up with a racking that suits me very well.
Added some 4 traffos, several line amp stages  and 4 traffo balancing modules for the auxes.  :)

So good luck - the kind commercial folks mentioned earlier wanted some exhorbitant amount for a copy so I was on my own!

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