Neumann V473

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2004
Potsdam, Germany
Hi there,

I was offered a set of V473 C power-amps with 4 watts for an o.k. price. The seller mentioned it could be used as a headphone-amp, since 4 watts is not that much for speaker-use. Does anyone have information on this and any information on the cards in general? I couldn't find any helpful info on the whole web...
What would I have to do to use a common power-amp for headphone use anyway? Power-soak? impedance-matching? And if so - how?


Shouldn't need any changes - just use as-is..

The voltage levels of a 4W/8Ohm amplifier is already in the right range for most headphones.

Jakob E.
@ [silent:arts] !
To be honest: I was expecting this kind of reply from you :grin: Thank you very much, I love your collection...

@ clintrubber:
Is there any Neumann stuff known to mankind without TXs ?
Yes, there is a special name for that: TLM (Transformer-LESS-Microphone)... Not too bad in my opinion...
[quote author="chriss"]@ [silent:arts] !
To be honest: I was expecting this kind of reply from you :grin: Thank you very much, I love your collection...

@ clintrubber:
Is there any Neumann stuff known to mankind without TXs ?
Yes, there is a special name for that: TLM (Transformer-LESS-Microphone)... Not too bad in my opinion...[/quote]
Ah, I see. My original slight amazement at Neumann-stuff was that the various older circuits floating around here all have lots of TXs or at least 'difficult' ones, from a DIY-standpoint. Which gave me the feeling that Neumann felt inclined to have at least a certain amount of TXs per box, company-policy. (That's nonsense of course)

