Newbie introductions and questions....

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Hi guys, my name's Mattias and I'm a newbie! (Feel like I'm at a meeting :)

I'd like to first thank all of you for all of your information. I've been trying to read as much as I can in general and it's really cool that so many generous people share their knowledge and experience. Not all forums are like this.

My first DIY was really basic; some canare cables with Neutric connectors. I needed some instrument and line level balanced cables of good quality so I searched this forum for info and they came out great - yellow (and red for my friend) with black connectors with gold plating (I know, a bit excessive maybe, but) hot diggity!

I've got some questions though and I hope you can bear with me and answer maybe a couple of them. I'll start out by telling you what I feel I need for my engineering / production work. (I currently do all essential work in a pro studio in Manhattan (full time) so my home studio is for MIDI and soft-synths primarily. As soon as I can get a live/work arrangement figured out I'll treat a room acoustically and expand to 5.1) And also, before I begin, I'd like to get very good quality out of this. Not obscene, but flawless and "pro in every sense of the word" quality:

-- A simple switcher / volume / headphone amp. Right now I have one stereo source - my DAW, and two destinations - speakers and headphones. I'd like a high quality switcher to switch between the destinations, as well as a high quality headphone amp. Obviously some kind of level control for both is needed. Stepped is fine, even preferred.

-- A great sounding DI / amp. Right now I get acceptable sound from the NI Guitar Rig DI, but we use Countryman, TubeTech, Evil Twin and Demeters at work so I know it could be better.

-- Bass Management for surround.

-- A more complex switcher pretty much exactly like the SPL SMC found here:

-- Monitor Power Amp.

Now, I know this looks like a lot, which it is, but hence the following questions:

1. Is designing / building a surround monitor controller so time consuming, complicated and (relatively) expensive that I might as well just buy the SPL? I think it can be found for about $550.

2. If not, should I skip building the simpler switcher / headphone amp even though I might learn from it, and instead just go for the "big one" thereby saving time and money?

3. What is the cost of the cheaper amps people build for monitors, the Gainclones? I'm wondering if it makes sense to build five channels and then buy passives, or just buy either actives or buy amps. Although highly subjective, if you could point me in a direction by comparing home-cooked to bought amps as far as $/quality goes that would help. Pass labs? Hypex? Kits? Schematics? Class-D?

4. What headphone amp kit or schematic would you recommend?

5. Is it better to consider the second item, the DI/amp as two separate items? I guess I could build a simple transparent DI and then also a mic-pre. Or is it simpler to build a combined item? If I am to build a mic-pre I'd rather go for something more 'unique' and vintage....

6. Bass management. Same question as for the controller. Worth it or not? (The joy of DIY aside) It could be very basic - just bass management in / bypassed and maybe mutes if the controller doesn't have it.

If you made it all the way down here I thank you for your patience. Once again, forgive me for the lengthy post, but I'd rather include a bit more information than too little. If there are other places to research I will, on your recommendation. (btw, DiY-Audio, is that a bit too "audiophiley" - or is it "pro" ?)


thanks guys,

welcome mattias

this is a good place to start with the research ... just use the search function and you will find many ideas

my site ... the Factory will have a few projects that may suit that monitoring switcher but I'm not the only one and ...
do the search

headphone amps
yep a couple of guy around here are quite the experts and have done various designs and posts in lots of threads
do the search

amps ...
do the search

bass management
yep I remember at least one thread about such stuff
again ... yeah you guessed it
do the search

I tend to like separate units as it can keep things easier for change and growth.

... DiY-Audio, is that a bit too "audiophiley" - or is it "pro" ?
err you ask that here
we love our DIY
I DIY therefore I am

is it Pro ?

when the Pro's make gear good enough to buy ... I'll consider it.
until then I'll dream of owning something made by Steff or Frank ... or TK
or even something from Jakob's Pro range ... when I can afford it.
Hi Kev and thanks for the welcome.

I have used the search function very, very much. I wouldn't have asked these questions had I found (or understood) the answers to them. As I said, before getting into soldering I read plenty about solder, soldering tools and cables. As far as this goes though, lot of what I've found seem to revolve around design specifics etc, and the questions I asked I feel are a bit more 'general', asking more about the value of doing certain things.

The last question was poorly formed, I actually meant to ask about DIY-Audio the forum, not if if doing it yourself will give you good quality. Sorry for the confusion.

Anyways, thanks for your reply.

Anyone else?
The DIY-Audio forum is not my home turf so I'll leave that to one of the regulars.
I've been there but I'm not a regular.

Many of the guys here are quite skilled and yes there is much about designing and varying existing ideas.

... the questions I asked I feel are a bit more 'general', asking more about the value of doing certain things.
That's cool
Difficult to give a rating on whether it is worth DIY as everyone has a different set of values and skill levels.

That's cool
Difficult to give a rating on whether it is worth DIY as everyone has a different set of values and skill levels.

I will be doing some articles about understanding what is inside the box. Seeing the insides can help to gauge the relative value of the materials and quality so you can make an informed opinion to the probably cost of manufacture.
Even then a skilled hand crafted unit can be much more valuable than the sum of it's parts.

I love DIY and it also forms part of what I do for a living and it is my whole being outside of my work.
I still purchase commercial equipment. Cheap stuff like the Behringer ADA8000 and their 3 Headphone amps. The latest HP-amp has higher current ability and when on a special is just too good not to have one,
IF you have a need for it.
I use these things as loaners and for location records ... and general knock about use.
Situations were damage can occur and I don't want to hurt one of my specials.

I have multiple HP amps and distribution systems.
40W power amp and passive distribution - my rosswood site
Small chip amp - DIY Factory site
Op-amp followed by drive transistors - DIY Factory site
every thing at the Factory site is a work in progress

others here have drawings too
Jakob has a schematic on his site
The DOA guys have used DOAs and Gain Blocks as HPamps
some have done some the simple single op-amp units found at Headwize .com
... and all tube units from the HiFi sites.

I do see much merit working on your monitoring and monitoring control system.
The DIY Factory will have a definite direction to those with DAWs and the monitoring and interfacing is high of the priority list.

The bass management project is something I would leave for another time as it is quite specialised and will be very specific to your needs.
Keep researching and when there is an obvious directions then look to develop the details.