non-standard external power supply

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Jun 3, 2018
SM Pro Audio TB202 pre-amp without external power supply.

Still have the PSU case and the 5Pin DIM cable,all other parts trashed so to speak,.wrong repair shop.

Non-standard PSU with multi outputs,5Pin DIM with specs of +48V / -15V /+15V /+12V

I had long contact SM Pro Audio,the music store where i bough it,everywhere for a repalcement luck,..

Any advice here my friends,apart leave it to rust on a shelf?

Any help will be much apreciated

Thank You!

That stinks......
Looking online it seems that original supply isn't the greatest so, finding an original replacement may not be the best course of action.... Except maybe to study a working unit before the replacement fails.....

That thing has tubes???

A schematic would be nice. Maybe there's an existing pre power supply design that would make a good fit with some work...........

Hopefully someone else will be able to help.....

Good Luck!

Thank you!

English not my native language but will try my best here,.

Yes,it has a tube,but from what i´ve read before,its not so important in it´s sound whatsoever.

I believe its impossible to find the squematics for this unit, must try something else..

I gave up try find the original psu,no ebay,nothing,..anyway,..

I´ve found this post in German,

After translation in google,....somehow this owner had the same prob,and manage to work around

(Bottom of post says the TB202 is working again,.)

Will try to contact him and if so try replicate whatever he found for that.

Any input on  any of this in link is much apreciated,as i don´t have a clue of how that psu got repaired .

Never the less what is a TOP225Y,..

I contacted JAMECO electronics and its clearly not avaiable anywhere a replacement for this specific psu,.

Best regards!

> what is a TOP225Y,..

quick Google:
Gonçalo said:
Thank you!

(Bottom of post says the TB202 is working again,.)

Will try to contact him and if so try replicate whatever he found for that.

Any input on  any of this in link is much apreciated,as i don´t have a clue of how that psu got repaired .

Never the less what is a TOP225Y,..

I contacted JAMECO electronics and its clearly not avaiable anywhere a replacement for this specific psu,.

Best regards!


Update: the TOP225Y arrived the day before yesterday. After I exchanged Elkos, I checked the solder joints with the continuity tester and I noticed that it had beeped from + to - side of an elk ... malefactor was still a diode (1N4148). I had to get them out of town today. Just soldered in yet - Result:

the NT is running and the PreAmp is working again

I wouldn't bother with trying to salvage it personally and would instead try to find a way of building another supply. I didn't realize that's a switching supply and, from what little I've read, it doesn't seem like a beginner's supply to be trying to learn on.....

But, if it's just a few parts, who knows.....

Maybe this???

Good Luck!!!