Notes from a visit to Raindirk/Helios

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I think we covered the specs question on the front page - no noise
The sale of desks is for broadcast AND music
I will ask again though
I would like to know a bit more about the design philosophy behind his eq's. When I first used them on my friends Concorde 2000 I thought they were too soft compared to my trident but then I soon realized after recording some mixes that you could full boost with not only no probs(dist' etc) but I could re eq after the concorde eq for character and it still wouldnt get over saturated(very usefull for me).

Also what mics does he test his mic amps with cos i've never heard the km84 sound more woody than on a Raindirk pre - Concorde 2000 and 300 series broadcast(yet to try Helios though).

Well i suppose im trying to describe the tone really. They sounded open and with a character that was very well suited to percussion and also woodwind instruments basoon etc . Very natural midrange with good transient response and an open top end. It was not as big sounding as a neve 1073 or a telefunken 672 but still the character was well suited to the mic(km84) and sounded extremely sweet.

Its always difficult decribing these things but "woody" seems the most accurate word to describe the sound that I heard.
Update and answers - thanks again Cyril - a great late afternoon out

600ohm Fader CircuitNot much different to a 10k one apparantly
PM me your fax number and I will fax the circuit over (I don't have a scanner)

EQ design/history/notes
The Concord came initially from a 10-4 mini mixer
The original series 3 mixers used coils in the mids and bass - the Concord was the first design using a coiless EQ - good headroom at +22/+23
Wein Bridge Circuit - sounded nice due to harmonics generated
However with a parametric you cut - thus no harmonics (he did explain - I glass over - sorry

Mixer design
All consoles designed at level gain - so always have 6db residual in hand - thus less noise

Other design criteria
Very wide frequency response
Plenty of headroom
Clean, clean, clean - no distortion

Noise - if you have doen the four above and your cicruits are clean as a whistle where is noise going to come from?
So design the 3 above and noise will take care of itself

Musicallity wil come from the coils and the caps
We talked a bit about the Pultec - interestingly Cyril designed a version for Drawmer

Vintage Tube/Valve
Great answer - "I don't play with anything that might bite back"
BTW - shameless self promotion - loads and loads of parts for sale
Hey nice one UK. Thanks for asking the questions interesting about cut on the parametric eq's I can sort of work it out. Im gonna have to start winding my own coils I think.
He did quote the frequency response stuff he was after - but I didn't write it down (something stupid though like 1db down at 90khz - not that but something daft like that)
Here's the 600 ohm fader buffer circuit that Simon asked Cyril Jones to share.

I'll re-post later today when I get it up-loaded to another site.

Also I'll start a thread with '600 ohm fader buffer' title.

Can;t see it - page missing
Why not use this sites image upload
Could you do us a favour move this into a thread of its own so people can see it (they might miss it in this thread)
Just pushing this topic back up in case nobody has seen it before
I lost my user id, but the author is me

Never got back to Cyril.. I wonder if he is still alive and living up the road

Thanks man, nice read.  If you get a chance to repost that fader buffer schem, it'd be nice to see.
Just pushing this topic back up in case nobody has seen it before
I lost my user id, but the author is me

Never got back to Cyril.. I wonder if he is still alive and living up the road

Holy thread resurrection. Was just thinking about Cyril today, checked google and he was definitely still active in local community projects last year. Unfortunately I am now full time in Spain so can't look in. According to Government house he was born in 1940, so he is having a good innings

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