Oh CEEEE_JJJJAAAYYY -what's this Peerless?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
Austin, TX
I've got a couple of peerless Altecs that say #15149. 11 pins. Any ideas?

Have a :guinness: on me

Hmmm. Workin on it.
I don't have that catalog page, but I put up a post at the Magnequest forum asking for the details. Does it say anything on the side of the can as to impedances, etc?
It's probably out of an Altec mixer or something.
Oh, I wouldn't hurt a poor ol Peerless, now would I. :razz:
Usually very good iron by the way.
Especially their E-204-D repeat coil which goes from 5 to 85 khz flat to 1 db without any sec. termination.
I know someone who is hacking up one of those, so maybe I can get some info.
Well, there is writing on the side that someone did by hand. I don't really trust it as the stancor I was working on last week ended up being quite different that what was written...

My iron collection grows MMUUHHHAAAHHAAAHHHAAA!!!!!!!

Slowly, I'll get a Pultec out of this stuff...

I could post a pic if that would help things at all?

OK, finally got some info on that Peerless from Mike atMagnequest:

:::Anybody have the specs for the Peerless 15149 11 pin plug in? Thanks!:::

This is a super neat interstage trans... though I can't quite figure out it's application....

here's what we have on this delicious part number....

overall turns ratio 1:3

nominal primary impedance is 10,000 ohms CT (two windings in series) or 2500 ohms (two windings in parallel).

nominal secondary impedance is 90,000 ohms CT (two windings in series) or 22,500 ohms (two windings in parallel)

published Freq Response of +/- .5 (half a db) from 10hz to 20khz.

90 db of magnetic shielding
10 db of electrostatic shielding

unit is built on high nickel laminations

MOL is rated at 1 volt at 10 hz and has a flux density of less than 1,000 gauss.

Trans was designed in 1959. It uses teflon insulation inside the coil. It's an absolutely superb design...

only thing I can't figure out is what it would be good for... it is listed as an interstage... but at 1 volt across the primary I can't see where one would use such a beastie....

and, even, allowing that Peerless was the consummate conservative design house... and we wanted to run the flux up to four or five kilogauss (which Peerless would have never done on high nickel).... the uses for such a critter still escapes me... aince we would still only have four or five volts across the primary and three times that across the secondary winding...

which is a real shame... as the design (the coil geometry) is simply SOTA...

Chris... can you tell me anything about it's use or application? where did you stumble across one? what was it used in?


There ya go.
Thanks for the interesting info, CJ. Unfortunately, I have no idea what it was used in. My boss just gave them to me, and said "here, you'll like these".

Hopefully, someone can figure out where it can be used-cause if you don't know, I sure as hell don't know...

Keep me posted...

A use for them?
Wouldn't they work nicely as the output off of the diode bridge, pre makeup gain, of a diode bridge limiter? The actual voltage at the bridge is quite small. The 2264s then have a FET/BJT buffer/amp stage, but on my schemo the output of the IS tranny is marked as -28dB below input/unity output. That means the 1V there would equate to a max OP of ~22dB. Not quite broadcast spec, but that is at 10Hz. Even limiting yourself to 20Hz, you'd likely get that couple of dB back. The 10468 in there looks like a 1:2, so your 1:3 isn't too far off. Maybe a little different pad before the bridge...
I've actually been thinking for a while about an all tube diode bridge limiter, might be fun.

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