oktava 319 problem

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Apr 30, 2017
Hi, i'm having trouble with an oktava 319 mod (bill sitler's) and i have built one many years ago that sounded great. Just a week ago i built one and it sounds extremely midrange-y and barely any high end. The only thing that i did different in this build is put the 2 1G resistors on the bottom of the board because one of the terminal pins just melted into it's plastic part. So is the bad sound caused by putting these parts in the wrong place? Or did i just get a bad mic? (i didn't test before modding).

also, any other improvements to make aside from the sitler mod? I opened up a joly modded 319 and one thing i noticed was that it had a pot that i'm guessing was used to adjust the biasing/impedence stuff that comes after the capsule (sorry i lack the technical terms...i've built many, many mics but am only now really getting into the nuts and bolts.)

Thanks in advance for any help you can offer.