Old console connectors

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Oh, sorry! I kinda missed the first picture  :)

Looks like a standard Edge Connector. 36-pin. Googled and found a guy selling stuff for old Arcade machines: http://thearcadeboneyard.com/new_arcade_parts/new_jamma_harnesses_&_edge_connectors.php. I bet there are tons of retailers, though.
No problems :)
It's getting a bloody nightmare to find out what those are. Not even Midas can tell me! I might just solder directly onto the pins...
Thanks for your help, Conviction ;)

With a little luck...
Looks like a 36/72 pin "card edge connector".  Just make Shure when you order that the pitch is right.
The most common pitch is .1"  and .156".

If it's the not so common  .15"  maybe Colin at AML can help.


Here is a hint for measuring the pitch of the contacts - measure from the left edge of one to the left edge of the tenth one down.  That way you will find 1.5" = .15" spacing or 1" = .1" spacing, etc.  Much easier than trying to read tiny increments.  Take it further and measure 30 pins = 4.5" so you have .15"  or 4.68" = .156" spacing.