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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2005

....of how easy it is.
Thats certainly an interesting project ,demistifying and humanising the so called enemy so that future generations dont have to live with the sectarianism sounds like a good plan ,I wonder if the project still continues.

There's lots of similarities to the situation in Ireland , in the Northern part of the country things are generally a bit more divided between catholic and protestant,but of course there are people who choose to look beyond the divisions and just get on with their neighbours . Down in the south both faiths exist side by side peacefully in the vast majority of places .Some of the more working class neighbourhoods do tend to carry a more hardline republican standpoint ,but generally all sides are free to worship where they please without intimidation .

My guess about Scotts picture posting, was to show up the irony of it all and not to derail or undermine the valid point you made.
Tubetec said:
My guess about Scotts picture posting, was to show up the irony of it all and not to derail or undermine the valid point you made.

Thanks for your appropriate reply. I'm not concerned with scott's reply, I know what his motivation was.
I almost think these type of short snap, political shenanigans should be outlawed. Regardless, back to topic at hand.

I thought what was seen in the original BBC video, was a good example of what is actually possible with a little effort.
Well the current situation in the North of Ireland is that the majority are of a unionist persuasion ,that being said theres really no reason that the north shouldnt have its own devolved assembly like Scotland and Wales . One of the stipulations of the good Friday agreement was that the republic relinquished its automatic claim to the six counties ,and that if and when the majority of the people there decide they can rejoin the 26 counties down south . I can hardly see this being acceptable to even moderate unionists ,ever really .With Mrs Mays government being effectively held up by the DUP ,it gives them a lot of bargaining power in Whitehall and no real incentive to start up the power sharing agreement for the foreseeable future . The problems were a long time in the making ,maybe 800 years ,and so really even if the Uk decided to cut loose the six counties it wouldnt solve the underlying issues . Best we can hope for in the foreseeable future is a measure of autonomy for the north ,where the people on both sides of the divide take control of their own destiny . Of course the whole Brexit thing brings huge uncertainty and serious headaches to try and sort out ,theres just no easy answers . None of us are born with hate in our heart towards different races .colours ,creeds etc ,its something thats passed on by conditioning ,so even with the best will in the world it takes generations to un-do.
desol said:
I almost think these type of short snap, political shenanigans should be outlawed. Regardless, back to topic at hand.

I thought what was seen in the original BBC video, was a good example of what is actually possible with a little effort.

It wasn't meant to be political. I thought the thread was about getting along in general and agreed with the it should be easy sentiment .  What is the original topic supposed to be about ? Religious belief ? And how two religions can coexist in harmony?  Yes it should be easy, I agree.....
It's probably just as well I didn't see whatever it is.

But yes, it's good to see examples of human beings living together in peace, especially when for whatever reasons they hadn't done so before. Here in the USA, the Hatfields and McCoys finally declared a truce, but the Real Thing that showed there was hope for the future of humanity was when I saw this video seven years ago:

Video is titled:
David Gilmour and Roger Waters live 2010. To Know Him Is To Love Him.