Can someone review my BOM? I'm about to embark on this project using a BM-800 donor, using OneRoomStudio's schematic from post #71 and the BOM listed on post #160.
Resistors are not too bad, I think:
R7: 1G
R8: 1M
R9: 7.5K (vs 7.3K)
R10: 30K trimpot (vs 25K)
R12: 47K
R13: 330K
R14: 10K
R15: 300K
R16: 56K
R18 & R19: 2.2K
GR1: 1N4749A Zener
Q1: 2N3819
Capacitors is where I'm most unsure about:
C5: 47n (multilayer ceramic)
C6: 220p (multilayer ceramic)
C7: 1u (250V axial MKP CY0G L21mm)
C8: 22u (25V electrolytic)
C9: 470n (multilayer ceramic)
C10: 4.7u (35V electrolytic)
C11: 4.7u (63V WIMA MKS4 P22.5mm)
C12: 10u (63V)
C13: 10n (multilayer ceramic)
I believe in Homero's PCB some of the ceramics capacitors I have are film or electrolytic instead. Would that make a big difference?
Transformer is the aforementioned Ali T-13 (ASTDS). Capsule is BaiFeiLi U87.
Thanks in advance!