h&e studiotechnik:
"-Both channels are coming up with switchable +48 Volts ramped Phantom, including indicator lights.
(ramped +48V doesn`t harm classic input transformers with high ratio like V72, V76, V77 (1:40!!!!!!!!)"
mercenary audio:
"Theoretically this shouldn't pose a problem for a none center taped transformer, but in practice there is always the capacitive property; primary to core or the Faraday shield, then also the primary windings to secondary windings etc. These will become charged if 48V DC is applied and the transformer (standard tube input x-former and tube mic outputs have ratios from 1 to 10 and even higher) acts like a ignition coil creating approx. 1 to 2KV!! on the transformers secondary. Mic pres with no damping resistor like the V76 (input transformer has 1 to 30 ratio) can even create up to 3KV!!!! this is enough for a millisecond energy burst that is powerful enough to burn microscopic holes into the insulation."
and mercenary audio about dc-blocking caps that do NOT WORK!!?!:
"DC blocking capacitors do not help at all because the time required to charge the capacitive property is still too much, and sometimes even make it worse due to resonance spikes and every time the microphone gets disconnected while the phantom power is on, the entire energy of those caps is dumped charging the windings of the transformer and pre-magnetizes the core."
and the solution from them is:
"If you want to use phantom power then it is necessary to use a ramped 48V supply with a time constant of more than 5sec. This will take care of the problem posed by this energy burst, simply by having a slower time constant than the capacitive property of the transformer can charge. There is still a slight chance that something will get burned in the process, as you are dealing with historic/vintage parts, which had a maximum shelf life of approximately 25 years."
what to do??