Plastic UTC input transformer

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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2008
Hi folks,
A friend of mine is trying to build a rev A 1176 and he found a transformer that looks like a UTC ouncer but the casing is plastic or some sort of polymer. It didn't include an 0-17 -type shield.
I was wondering if anyone here was familiar with these types and if they reckon they'd be up to the job of an 1176 input?
The silkscreen is mostly illegible it came with a handwritten datasheet showing a 200ohm primary (pins 6 & 7) and secondaries of 50ohm (pins 3 & 4); 200ohm (pins 2 & 4); and 500ohm (pins 1 & 5). Seems quite similar to an O12 to me.
A picture of the tranny would be helpful to identify it. There was a plugin transformer UTC P-12, which was black, but does it was plastic or coloured can i don't know.  This is exact replacement for o-12.
mjrippe said:
If it is white plastic you most likely have a BeyerDynamic transformer.  A bit smaller than an ouncer.

Plastic Beyer (or Lexicon) were plugin type too.
Thanks guys, I don't have it nearby but I believe it must be the P-12. It's black plastic or bakelite and the UTC logo is still clearly visible on its mostly worn silk screen. It looks identical to p12 photos I've found online.
The owner ended up buying on the Hairball input in the interim so he'll probably want to sell this one if anyone's on the lookout.
If this is P12, it should be "better" than other modern replacements. Better in the meaning of copying sound of 1176ln. P12, is the same transformer as O12, but in different housing and plugin type pins. Adding o17 shield should be good enough :)

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